Bring your lunch and engage with a lecture from Regent College's new Post-Doctoral Fellow in Theology, Yonghua Ge. Dr. Ge will be delivering a lecture titled "Aquinas on Creation and Its Implications for Modern Science-Religion Dialogues," followed by a Q & A from the audience.
Dr. Ge describes the lecture as follows: "The Christian doctrine of creation, which states that all that is has been created by God from nothing and thus completely depends on God for its existence, is a radical departure from the Greek philosophical worldview. It is not against reason, however. Rather, Aquinas was able to use reason to demonstrate nearly all the truths of creation and to show that creation out of nothing is the summit of philosophy. In his exposition of this doctrine, Aquinas stresses that creation is not a change and therefore not a scientific event. Nor is creation, he suggests, the same as the temporal beginning of the world. Such an understanding of creation, I argue, has important implications for contemporary science-religion dialogues, especially in the areas of the Big Bang Theory and the so-called creation-evolution debate."
No registration required.