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Regent College Renews Its Moral Vision

June 07, 2024

Regent College has announced a revised Moral Vision Statement. “Through a deeply prayerful, reflective, and consultative process collaborating with staff, faculty, and senior leadership, Regent’s Board of Governors has approved a clear, renewed expression of the College’s commitment to historic orthodoxy,” stated Earl Phillips, Chair of Regent’s Board.

The purpose of Regent College’s Moral Vision Statement is to convey Regent’s institutional commitments on central moral issues, to put these into a wider theological framework, and to situate them within the context of Regent’s educational mission. Those who teach at Regent subscribe to this Statement.

The College’s original 2011 Moral Vision Statement was articulated with the understanding that its wording may need to be updated in the future to address changing needs at Regent, in the church, and wider society. That update comes now, following the adoption of Regent’s new Strategic Plan, which prioritizes a fresh expression of Regent’s theological identity and core mission.

The renewed Moral Vision Statement maintains the College’s long-standing convictions, with changes in its expression and emphasis. This statement is more succinct; the previous language of “challenging and correcting” others has been removed; there is a more pastoral tone and an aspirational dimension; and, finally, it is clearer about the nature of the hospitality extended to all students regardless of their views on specific matters covered in the statement.

President Jeff Greenman reflected, “We understand that there are some in our constituency for whom this revision will be less than they had hoped. Some friends of the College would prefer to see Regent change its direction on certain issues. We are grateful to those who have challenged us to think through our moral vision once again.”

“The Moral Vision Statement underscores our approach to teaching and formation,” said Paul Spilsbury, Regent’s Academic Dean. “It conveys our expectation for how Regent’s faculty will engage with students. And it emphasizes the freedom that students have, and have always had, to reach their own conclusions, including ones that may diverge from the Theological Position.” As it is framed in the statement itself, “we want Regent College to be a place where students can develop biblical and theological convictions through exploration and dialogue.”

Greenman added, “The College’s updated Moral Vision Statement better reflects our values and prepares us well for the future as a vibrant Christian intellectual community, striving for faithfulness in all things, and seeking to equip God’s people for service in all spheres of life. Wrestling with contemporary moral challenges is part of our core educational work, as we aim to cultivate intelligent, vigorous, and joyful commitment to Jesus Christ, his church, and his world.”

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