SPIR 520
A Rule of Life for a Way of Life
Course Description
“He has saved us and called us to a holy life,” Paul writes to Timothy (2 Tim 1:9), but all too often we find ourselves living a reactionary life rather than a called one. Throughout the history of the church, the people of God have addressed this concern through the practice of a Rule of Life—a prayerful structure for personal and communal lives marked by intentional responsiveness to God rather than reaction to the voices, expectations, and demands of others.
Designed for those who are new to the concept as well as those who already have an operating Rule, this course will examine the history and various components and uses of a Rule of Life. Spiritual practices of lectio divina, listening prayer, examen, discernment, reflection, confession, pruning, community, and Sabbath all have their place in shaping and tending one’s Rule. Class time will be given to the spiritual theology undergirding these disciplines, as well as the experience of allowing them to inform how we shape our Rule, and how our Rule in turn shapes our way of life.
Dates | Jul 7–Jul 11 |
Days & Times |
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri 8:30AM–11:30AM |
Format | Onsite/Online |
Credit Hours | 1–2 |
Audit Hours | 1 |
This course is also offered as SPIR 520.
Course information sheets will be posted here soon.
Additional Info
This course is available onsite and online. Students must register for the online section to gain Zoom access to the course.
Please note that this course cannot be taken asynchronously, as lecture recordings will not be available to students.