THEO 548 /
INDS 548

Current Issues in Science & Theology

Course Description

This course will address a collection of important topics at the intersection of Christian theology and science, focusing particularly on the biological sciences. No specialized background in either science or theology is required for participation, though some background in the sciences will be helpful. 

On Day 1 of the course, we’ll map out the various ways in which people understand the relationship between science and Christian theology, reflecting on the history of these interactions to help us understand where we are today. 

On Day 2, we’ll tackle how we understand the term “biblical creation” and how that relates to our current understanding of evolution. 

On Day 3, we’ll take a look at genetics and the ways in which our understanding of DNA has blossomed since the human genome sequence was first published at the start of this century. We’ll consider questions such as: How much does our variant DNA influence our daily behaviours? Should we ever change our DNA? 

On Day 4, we’ll look at the relationship between brain, mind, and free will, and consider how these hot topics engage with theological issues. 

Finally, on Day 5, we’ll consider the ethical issues raised by recent scientific discoveries. We’ll look in particular at the distinctions between healing and enhancement: does our biblical mandate to heal extend also to a responsibility to use science to enhance humans?

Dates May 26–May 30
Days & Times Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri
Format Onsite/Online
Credit Hours 1–2
Audit Hours 1



Denis Alexander

Founding Director (Emeritus)

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This course is also offered as INDS 548

Course information sheets will be posted here soon.

Additional Info

This course is available onsite and online. Students must register for the online section to gain Zoom access to the course.

Course lectures will be recorded, and students may be captured in course recordings. Access to lecture recordings is normally only available to online students for the 48 hours following each lecture.


There are no prerequisites for this course.

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