Interface Lectures
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Join us Mar 29 to Mar 31 for the 2022 Interface lecture series. This year's lectures will be delivered by the University of Copenhagen's Professor of Systematic Theology, Niels Henrik Gregersen.
The first lecture in this series is titled “Christ in a World of Creativity and Suffering: Deep Incarnation and the Evolution of Biological Agency.” It will be delivered on Tuesday, March 29, 2022, from 7–9 pm.
We live in an intrinsically dynamic and interconnected creation. As a human being, Jesus Christ’s body was composed of material particles coming from the explosion of stars; his blood was red due to the iron running through his veins; and, like any other mammal, he was hosting a great hidden microbial world without which he could not sustain his life as a human being. In this lecture, Niels Henrik Gregersen presents his influential notion of “deep incarnation,” which draws on the broad-scale material meaning of the biblical concept of “flesh” as well as early patristic Christologies. He then relates these insights to the multifarious world of biology, with a particular focus on the development of biological agency and suffering. Join us for an exploration of the astonishing claim that the Word and Wisdom of God became flesh, with its radical implications for creaturely existence today.
Niels Henrik Gregersen is currently Professor of Systematic Theology (Contemporary Theology) at the University of Copenhagen, having served as Research Professor of Theology and Science at Aarhus University from 2000-2004. Within the field of contemporary theology, Professor Gregersen specializes in the theology of creation and Christology, and is well known for developing the eco-theological proposal of “deep incarnation.” Within the field of science & religion, Professor Gregersen specializes in the philosophy of Darwinian biology and the sciences of complexity, especially concepts of self-organization and information theory.
We plan to hold this lecture as a live event at Regent College. The event protocols will follow provincial guidelines. As of February 15, 2022, proof of vaccination is still required for public events in BC. To accommodate those who cannot attend, we will provide live online access to the lectures. A recording will be made available afterwards. There is no need to register in advance for this event.
Interface offers lectures, articles and other resources that probe and preserve the relationship between theology and science—working toward healing the breach between these disciplines as they have taken shape in our late modern age.
Regent College, 5800 University Boulevard, Vancouver, BC V6T 2E4
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