Prepare for creative leadership, prayerful service, and redemptive engagement with contemporary challenges to Christian mission.
The Master of Divinity Is ...
Creative: Explore fresh ways of communicating the unchanging gospel in a changing, diverse, technological world.
Grounded: Study alongside the
very people you’ll encounter in your future congregations—professionals,
stay-at-home parents, academics, artists, parachurch workers, and others.
Scriptural: Complete a minimum of 30 credits in biblical languages, theology, exegesis, and hermeneutics. Graduate confident in your ability to faithfully interpret Scripture.
Personal: Immerse yourself in a rich community where you will find mentorship and friendship and receive guidance as you discern your vocation.
Students who take this program typically ...
- feel called to serve in the church or in a parachurch organization and want to be thoroughly equipped for their work;
- want to think creatively about how to pursue the mission of the church;
- are looking for ways to invigorate the traditions of the denominations they represent.
Application Requirements
Your application must show us that you have the experience and the skills necessary to complete graduate-level academic work.
This usually means that you have completed a bachelor's degree with a GPA of at least 2.8 (out of 4). However, we will consider your application if you are at least 28 years old and you can demonstrate that your life experience (including work and education) is equivalent to a university degree.
For documents and more information about the application process, visit our Admission Requirements page.
Program Structure
Credit Hours | Completion Time | Program Costs | Distance Education |
81 |
Minimum 3 years Part-time:
8 years max
The cost of tuition for the 2024–2025 academic year is $520 per onsite credit hour and $540 per online credit hour. The total onsite tuition for the MDiv program is $42,120 (81 credit hours at $520 per onsite credit hour). For a breakdown of associated fees and costs of living, view our sample budget. To help you offset the costs of graduate education, we offer scholarships, financial aid, and work opportunities on campus. |
You can take up to 39 credits of courses through Online Courses while you are completing the MDiv. |
Program Requirements
All students are required to take our Foundational Core courses in Scripture, theology, and history. These courses construct the theological framework that is essential for growing into a passionate, confident communicator of the faith. MDiv students also take a series of Additional Requirements. These classes provide the hands-on skills necessary for effective pastoral ministry, including biblical languages, pastoral care, and preaching. Six credits are devoted to an on-the-job practicum, under the mentorship of seasoned ministers. The combination of academic and applied classes aims at the transformation of the whole person, as students seek to be conformed to the image of Christ in their thinking and in their day-to-day life.
Finally, MDiv students have the option of choosing one of several concentrations, focusing their elective courses in a specific area. While MDiv students are not required to choose a concentration, those wanting to focus on a particular question or discipline can do so.
The following requirements reflect the MDiv curriculum starting Fall 2025.
Foundational Core Courses
Old Testament Foundations BIBL 501 | 3 |
New Testament Foundations BIBL 502 | 3 |
Biblical Exegesis BIBL 503 | 3 |
History of Christianity Foundations HIST 501 | 3 |
Theology for Life INDS 500 | 3 |
Theology I THEO 601 | 3 |
Theology II THEO 602 | 3 |
Additional Requirements
In addition to the Foundational Core courses, all Mdiv students are required to take the following courses:
Course | Credits |
Biblical Languages | 12 |
Biblical Hermeneutics and Criticism BIBL 600 | 3 |
Biblical Book Study | 3 |
History of Christianity: Reformation to Modern HIST 502 | 3 |
The Soul of Ministry APPL 500 | 3 |
Supervised Ministry: Year A APPL 693 | 3 |
Supervised Ministry: Year B APPL 694 | 3 |
Preaching and Worship APPL 619 | 3 |
Pastoral Ethics THEO 630 | 3 |
Applied Theology electives | 9 |
General electives | 15 |
In addition to the course work, MDiv students will also complete a Psychological Assessment Profile which will be administered by a registered psychologist. This will help you to gain self-awareness and to clarify your approach to leadership, solving interpersonal problems, and managing emotional well-being. The cost of the assessment is $600, although you may be eligible for partial coverage of this through your AMS Health & Dental Plan. You will be given instructions concerning this assessment in your first year of Supervised Ministry.
Notes on the Requirements
Regent offers the following programs for students seeking ordination in a particular denomination:
1. Anglican
In 1996, Regent College established a program for students interested in preparing for ministry in the Anglican communion worldwide. Two specific Anglican Studies courses are offered every two years: Anglican History & Theology and Anglican Life. Regent graduates have found a welcome acceptance of their training at Regent by many bishops, both in Canada and abroad. Visit the Anglican Studies page for more information.
2. Presbyterian
Regent College and St. Andrew's Hall at Vancouver School of Theology (VST) offer a joint program for students candidates for ministry in the Presbyterian Church of Canada (PCC). To take advantage of this option, you must apply for both an MDiv at Regent and a Diploma in Presbyterian Denominational Studies at VST. Courses required by the PCC and taken at VST may be transferred to Regent and applied to your MDiv, subject to Regent's approval of the courses in question. The Field Education component of the Diploma and the Supervised Ministry requirement for the MDiv may be satisfied simultaneously.
For further information on the Diploma program, please consult the Registrar at VST. If you wish to pursue the joint program, please consult with an Academic Advisor at Regent College and take careful note of Regent's transfer credit policy.