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Master of Arts in Theological Studies

Master a chosen subject through focused study in an area of concentration. Root that mastery in a deep, broad, and nuanced understanding of Scripture, theology, and history developed through our core curriculum.

The Master of Arts in Theological Studies Is ...

Foundational: Lay a firm foundation for thoughtful, robust, and authentic faith with our Foundational Core courses.

Focused: Choose from twelve concentrations, allowing you to pursue a burning question or gain specific expertise for further study. 

Integrative: Learn to bring your faith to bear on all aspects of life and work, building a more integrated understanding of vocation and identity.

Students who take this program typically ...

  • are seeking vocational discernment, spiritual formation, or renewed vision for a previous career; 
  • are preparing for certain types of church or parachurch work; or
  • are pursuing further academic work.

Graduates go on to do a wide variety of  things: many undertake further study, enter church or parachurch work, follow newly discovered passions, or return to previous careers. Whatever they choose to do, MA in Theological Studies graduates leave Regent with a confident new perspective and restored motivation for engaging God's call on their life.

My Regent experience has been healing and transformative. What seems to me to be specific about Regent is the unique blend of rigorous academics with loving community. What has been most valuable to me has been the availability of staff and students, the chance to dialogue openly coupled with the commitment to faithful service of God. The resources with which we get to interact are full of grace and truth; but the embodiment of those traits in the community itself is what really makes this place so special.
Andy Stromberg
MATS '16 (Arts)

Application Requirements

Your application must show us that you have the experience and the skills necessary to complete graduate-level academic work.

This usually means that you have completed a bachelor's degree with a GPA of at least 2.8 (out of 4). However, we will consider your application if you are at least 28 years old and you can show that your life experience (including work and education) is equivalent to a university degree.

For documents and more information about the application process, visit our Admission Requirements page.

Program Structure

Credit Hours Completion Time Program Costs Distance Education
60 Full course load:
5 terms

6 years max

A full course load is equivalent to 12 credits per term.

The cost of tuition for the 2024–2025 academic year is $520 per onsite credit hour and $540 per online credit hour.

The total onsite tuition for the MA in Theological Studies program is $31,200 (60 credit hours at $520 per onsite credit hour).

For a breakdown of associated fees and costs of living, view our sample budget.

To help you offset the costs of graduate education, we offer scholarships, financial aid, and work opportunities on campus.

You can take up to 30 credits of courses through Online Courses while you are completing the MA in Theological Studies.

Program Requirements

All students are required to take our Foundational Core courses. Students must also choose to concentrate in one area and take courses that support their work in that concentration.

To graduate with an MA in Theological Studies, you must complete a final project. This project takes different forms in different concentrations, but it typically involves a comprehensive exam, a thesis, or an integrative project.

You will be awarded the MA in Theological Studies degree when you have successfully completed 60 credit hours of study, including your final project, with a GPA of at least 3.0 (B).

Foundational Core Courses

In order to receive an MA in Theological Studies, all students must take the following Foundational Core courses:

Old Testament Foundations BIBL 501 3
New Testament Foundations BIBL 502 3
Biblical Language course LANG 500 or LANG 510 or LANG 550 3
Biblical Exegesis and Interpretation BIBL 503 3
History of Christianity I HIST 501 or II HIST 502* 3
Theology for Life INDS 500 3
Theology Overview THEO 500, or Theology I THEO 601 and Theology II THEO 602** 3 or 6
One of the following:*** 3
Soul of Ministry APPL 500
Introduction to World Christianity WRLD 501 
God at Work: Introducing Marketplace Theology MARK 501 
The Christian Imagination ARTS 501 
Christian Faith & Practice in a (Post)Modern World INDS 581 
Gospel and Culture INDS 610
The Christian Spirit SPIR 500 / HIST 500 
Total  24 or 27 

*Both History of Christianity I & II are required for the History of Christianity, the Spiritual Theology, and the World Christianity concentrations.

**Both Theology I & II are required for the Doctrinal Theology and the Spiritual Theology concentrations.

***If one of these courses is already required in a student's chosen concentration, they must take one of the other six courses listed. 

Note: Students planning to pursue a Master of Theology program after the MA in Theological Studies should, in order to avoid unnecessary overlap, consider carefully the ThM requirements when selecting courses for the MA program.

Additional Requirements

One of the highlights of this program is that it allows you to focus your studies in an area of concentration. The following concentrations are available: 

Scripture Christian History & Theology Christianity, Church & Culture
Biblical Languages History of Christianity Marketplace Theology
Old Testament Doctrinal Theology Interdisciplinary Studies
New Testament Spiritual Theology Christianity & the Arts
Biblical Studies World Christianity
Applied Theology

Each concentration has its own requirements. View all concentration details, courses and requirements.

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