Course registration and payment deadlines
Once registered in a course, you are considered to be in attendance and are responsible for tuition fees in full unless you drop the course online via REGIS or by submitting a Registration/Course Change form. You will not be automatically dropped from a course if you do not attend.
View important dates related to refunds and late payments here. For an explanation of these deadlines, refer to the Refunds and Account Adjustments page.
How to pay
A registration deposit for tuition and fees must be submitted with your course registration for each term. The balance must be paid by the payment deadlines (see above). The deposit is $150 for Fall and Winter Terms, and $80 for Summer Sessions.
All instructions and forms relating to course registration can be found on the Register for Courses page. Course registration forms include instructions on how to calculate what you owe, and where to make your payment. If you’re registering online, you will receive an email confirmation with full instructions on where and how to make a payment.
Acceptable Forms of Payment
All tuition and fees are charged in Canadian funds. Payment can be made in the following forms:
- Debit: In person at reception only. Note that your card may have a daily and weekly spending limit.
Canadian or American cheques: Note that American funds will be converted at Regent's monthly exchange rate. Please make your cheque out to Regent College and include your Regent ID (e.g. 300123) in the memo line. You can send your cheque to:
ATTN: Reception Regent College
5800 University Blvd.
Vancouver, BC V6T 2E4
Canada - Canadian money orders
- Canadian cash (accepted at the reception, please don't mail cash)
- PayMyTuition: Online option for international students who wish to pay using their home currency using wire transfer, e-wallet, and bill and credit card payments. Please note this type of payment may take a few days to process. PayMyTuition will notify you once funds have been received and delivered to Regent College. You must provide an SMS capable phone number, your passport or driver's license number, and a photograph of the document for identification purposes. For more information please consult the PayMyTuition Benefits.
- Convera: Another online option for international students who wish to pay using their home currency. Please note this type of payment may take a few days to process. For more information on payment methods available please consult the Convera Student Sheet.
Interac e-Transfer: Send your payment via Interac e-Transfer from your bank. Follow your bank's instructions for using this payment method. Please include your Regent ID (e.g. 300123). Note that you may have a daily and weekly spending limit.
Send your e-Transfer to the following email:
For more information, please visit the Interac e-Transfer website.
Please note that Regent College does not accept credit card payment for tuition and certain related fees. For more information, please visit our Credit Card Payment Policy page.
How can I find my balance owing?
See the Finance tab in your REGIS account.
How can I see the details of the charges on my account?
See the Finance tab in your REGIS account.
When will my payment appear on my REGIS account?
Online Credit Card payments should appear within 48 hours of payment.
In-person payments: Please allow 5-7 days for your payment to appear on your REGIS account.
Can I make advance payments on my account?
Yes. You can make a payment on your account; however, it is possible only for a maximum of 6 months prior to registering for courses. If you have any further questions please email [email protected]
How do I get a refund for an overpayment?
You can either leave the money on your account as a credit toward classes in the following academic term, or you can complete and submit a Student Account Overpayment Form . Reimbursements generally take up to four weeks to process, and will be processed according to the method of payment used.
How can a supporter deposit money on my account?
We accept third-party funding for your account, payable by debit card, cash, or cheque. You will need to provide your supporter with your name, Regent ID, and any specific financial information they may need (note that we will not provide your supporter with any information about your account without your written permission). The money will be used only for your tuition fees unless otherwise stated. If they would like the money to be used for anything other than tuition (e.g., books, living costs, etc.), they will need to send us a signed letter authorizing that usage. Please also note that we cannot issue supporters tax receipts for donations to an individual student.
Can my spouse, parent, etc., have access to my financial information?
Yes. In order to allow someone else to have access to your account information, you will need to sign a consent form authorizing us to release this information. Email [email protected] for more information.
Tuition rates
Tuition rates are effective from May 1 through April 30 each year. This includes both on-campus and distance education courses, both credit and audit rates. Courses that begin after May 1 will be subject to the tuition rates for the following year, even if you register for a course prior to May. Details regarding the costs of tuition and other fees can be found in the Admissions and Finance section.
Tuition discounts
We offer a number of tuition benefits for students and their spouses. Visit our tuition discounts page to see if you qualify for any of the benefits.
Student Fees
In addition to tuition, there are other Student Fees payable throughout your program. For the full table of fees, see the Costs page in the Admissions & Finance section. For costs pertaining to the MALTS program, see the MALTS FAQ page.
In the Fall or Winter Terms, these fees are charged automatically if you register for 3 or more credit hours. If you register for 3 or more audit hours, you can opt in to Student Fees when you register.
In the Summer Sessions, if you are a returning student and you register for at least 3 audit hours (or at least 3 combined audit and credit hours) you can opt in to Student Fees. Opting in to Student Fees gives you access to the UBC Aquatic Centre and the U-Pass for all eligible months. You can opt in by submitting the U-Pass Opt-In form for the appropriate term (see left sidebar).
Tuition Receipts for Income Tax
Tax receipts for tuition and for bursaries/scholarships will be made available for download from your REGIS account as of the last day of February for the previous year.
- Tuition tax receipt: You will be issued a T2202 (only issued if you have paid tuition the previous tax year). You will be reported as a full-time student for each term in which you registered for a minimum of 7.5 credit hours.
- Important changes beginning in 2019: The Canada Revenue Agency now requires that Regent College collect either Social Insurance Number (SIN) or Individual Tax Number (ITN) from students. Please add yours to REGIS if you wish to receive a tuition tax receipt for the 2019 calendar year and onwards.
- Bursaries or Scholarships tax receipt: You will be issued a T4A (only issued if you have received a financial award in the previous tax year).
- If you worked as a SE/TA, you will be issued a T4 form as of the last day of February in the following year. These may be downloaded from Payworks.
For further information on any of these forms, please contact our Finance office by email: [email protected].
Note: A fee of $5 will be charged for replacement of lost receipts.