Alister McGrath at Regent: God, Science & the Meaning of Life: C. S. Lewis and Richard Dawkins
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Regent College is hosting two evening lectures with Dr. Alister McGrath on September 18 & 19 as part of our Fall 2018 Interface Faith and Science Lecture Series.
The September 19 lecture is titled: "God, Science & the Meaning of Life: C. S. Lewis and Richard Dawkins."
C. S. Lewis is one of the best-known Christian apologists in the world. Richard Dawkins is one of the best-known atheist apologists in the world. Alister McGrath (Oxford University) has written best-selling studies of each of these fascinating authors. So what do they have to say on the meaning of life? How do they understand the role of the natural sciences in helping us work out the meaning of life? In this lecture, Professor McGrath will engage in dialogue with these writers in exploring some of the biggest questions of life.
The lecture will be followed by responses from Dennis Danielson, Professor Emeritus of English at the University of British Columbia, and Arnold Sikkema, Professor of Physics at Trinity Western University and Past President of the Canadian Scientific & Christian Affiliation.
Alister McGrath is the Andreas Idreos Professor of Science and Religion at the University of Oxford, and is widely regarded as one of the world's leading theologians. After an undergraduate degree in chemistry and a doctorate in molecular biophysics from Oxford, McGrath turned to the study of theology. He has a special interest in the relation of science and religion, and has published widely on this topic. As a former atheist, McGrath has an especial interest in the "New Atheism" of writers such as Richard Dawkins. McGrath's bestselling books include the market leading Christian Theology: An Introduction (6th edition, 2017) and the award-winning C. S. Lewis—A Life: Eccentric Genius, Reluctant Prophet (2013).