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Laing Lectures

Stanley Hauerwas: Theological Existence Today

Tuesday, Mar 20, 2018 at 12:30 PM –Thursday, Mar 22, 2018 at 2:00 PM (Pacific Time)

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Respected theologian Dr. Stanley Hauerwas will deliver the 2018 Laing Lectures, "Theological Existence Today."  Lectures begin at 7:30 pm nightly.

March 20: The Christian Message in the World Today

March 21: The Christian Message and Humanism

March 22: The Church and Civil Society 

About Stanley Hauerwas

Dr. Stanley Hauerwas, Gilbert T. Rowe Professor Emeritus of Divinity & Law at Duke Divinity School, is one of America’s most influential and respected public intellectuals. He has a reputation for speaking honestly and incisively into some of our time’s most pressing issues. His numerous publications have advocated for nonviolence within warring societies and the pressing need for virtuous Christian communities. Recent works such as War and the American Difference (2011) have brought him to the forefront of public discourse regarding the relationship between politics and faith. In 2001, Time magazine named him “America’s Best Theologian.” He famously responded that “ ‘Best’ is not a theological category.”

About the Laing Lectures

The Laing Lectures began at Regent College in 1999 in cooperation with Roger and Carol Laing and in honour of their father, William John Laing. The purpose of the lectures is to encourage persons recognized for scholarship, wisdom, and creativity to undertake serious thought and original writing on an issue of significance for the Christian church and to promote the sharing of such thoughts through a series of public lectures. The material presented by Laing Lecturers is intended to move beyond an analysis of historic and current concerns to provide proposals for alternative action for the Christian church. In doing so, lecturers will be invited to explore in an interdisciplinary way the relationship between Christianity and culture, and to suggest ways in which that relationship might lead to greater flourishing of the church, the larger human household, and the whole community of creation.

Past Laing Lecturers: Neil Postman (2000), Charles Taylor (2001), Peter Berger (2002), Margaret Visser (2004), Miroslav Volf (2006), Nicholas Wolterstorff (2007), Walter Brueggemann (2008), Susan Wise Bauer (2010), Albert Borgmann (2011), Rex Murphy (2012), Dr. Ellen T. Charry (2013), Ross Douthat (2014),  Iain McGilchrist (2016), and Marilynne Robinson (2017).

Regent College, 5800 University Blvd. Vancouver, BC

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