Voices for Peace Concert
This event has now ended. Please view this page to see all our upcoming events.
Our world is in the midst of great political, religious and cultural unrest. A significant response to this crisis is the development of Peace Studies programs in countries around the world. Over 400 universities in many countries have introduced Peace Studies into their curriculum.
When cultures and civilizations fall apart, they fall into violence. In 1981, the United Nations Gen. Assembly announced the establishment of the International Day of Peace on September 21 of every year thereafter. The "Voices of Peace" concert which commemorates and strengthens the ideals of peace will be held here at Regent College on September 28 at 8:00pm.
The "Voices for Peace" concert will feature the internationally acclaimed poet and scientist from England, Dr. Richard Whitfield, reading his original compositions of the poetry of peace. It will also feature the University of Western Washington music faculty members including John Friesen, cellist, pianist Jeffrey Gilliam, and violinist Walter Schwede playing music from Brahms, Massenet, Kreisler, A. Part and others.
This free concert will address the interconnected pathways to peace that transcend national, racial, ethnic, age or gender differences. Using the art forms of poetry, music, and drumming, the concerts will celebrate the meaning of peace. In the words of Albert Einstein, "peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding."
Please join us for this creative and collaborative Celebration of Peace.
For more information, please contact Ali Cumming at [email protected].
Regent College