Costly Grace & Severe Mercy: Theological Resonance in Louise Penny's "Three Pines" Mystery Novels
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Louise Penny's mystery series, set in the fictional village of "Three Pines" in Quebec's Eastern Townships, has commanded a large and committed audience that increases with each successive novel. In this lecture, we will listen for rich theological resonances in several of her novels, especially A Trick of the Light, The Beautiful Mystery, and A Great Reckoning. Skilled as Louise Penny has shown herself to be in the conventions of detective fiction (she can be compared favourably with P. D. James), these novels are far more than escapist entertainment as they engage the great issues of good and evil, and of law and compassion.
Maxine Hancock was Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies and Spiritual Theology at Regent College from 1998 to 2007, after which time she became Professor Emerita of Interdisciplinary Studies and Spiritual Theology. In addition to her present role, Maxine Hancock is an author, speaker, and broadcaster. Her many books and articles have gained a wide audience and won awards from the Canada Council, the Canadian Church Press, and the Evangelical Press Association (US).
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