The Brothers of Life: How Reading James may Help us Hear Jesus Better
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This pre-recorded video event will be available on this page starting at 7pm Pacific Time. Please check back at that time for a link to the video.
One of the highlights of Regent Summer Programs is our free Evening Public Lectures. This series always features a wide range of professors and topics, and this year is no exception. All lectures will be streamed online, so invite a friend and join us!
Too often, the epistle of James has simply been judged the book about “works,” and thus ignored in preference for Paul. This has left us with a truncated view of the Christian life. James closely echoes his brother Jesus’s teachings, and pay attention to the overlap, we can hear anew a vision of the Christian life which calls us to mercy and holiness but is undergirded entirely by the grace of God.
Mariam Kamell Kovalishyn is Assistant Professor of New Testament at Regent College. Mariam’s research focuses on James, Jewish literature of the Intertestamental period, and classical Graeco-Roman literature. She is currently working on a commentary on James, a biblical theology of social justice, and a commentary on 1 & 2 Peter.
Dr. Kovalishyn will be teaching the course New Testament Foundations from June 21-July 2 as part of Regent's 2021 Summer Programs.
Watch the lecture
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