Logs and Specks: Culture Wars and the Imperative of Christian Self-Examination
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This pre-recorded video event will be available on this page starting at 7pm Pacific Time. Please check back at that time for a link to the video.
One of the highlights of Regent Summer Programs is our free Evening Public Lectures. This series always features a wide range of professors and topics, and this year is no exception. All lectures will be streamed online, so invite a friend and join us!
Many critics of contemporary Western cultures have recently discussed the phenomenon of "negative polarization," in which what binds one faction of the culture wars together is their shared hatred and fear of the other side more than their shared allegiance to a positive ideal. In this lecture, Wesley Hill will explore Jesus' injunctions to self-examination in the Gospels and other New Testament texts that counsel believers to consider their own sins to be of more importance than those of their neighbors or enemies. Along the way, he will share practical strategies that believers might adopt so as to become "unreliable allies," as Karl Barth put it, to any and all secular ideologies.
Wesley Hill is Associate Professor of New Testament at Trinity School for Ministry in Ambridge, Pennsylvania. His research interests focus on the interplay between Scripture and the church’s creedal and doctrinal traditions. His most recent book is The Lord’s Prayer: A Guide to Praying to Our Father (2019).
Dr. Hill will be teaching the course "Teach Us to Pray": Jesus, the Father & Prayer in the Spirit from July 6-9 as part of Regent's 2021 Summer Programs.
If you are unable to view the video, please check back after 7pm PDT. If it is still unavailable at that time, visit our YouTube page.