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This event is now over

Date: May 9–May 10, 2024
Location: Regent College, 5800 University Blvd, Vancouver, BC V6T 2E4


This year's schedule includes time to hear from plenary speakers Ray Aldred and Dennae Pierre, attend workshops, share in meals and discussions, and worship together. We're excited to welcome you to The Gathering 2024: Bloom Where You're Planted.

Please Note: The following details are subject to change, and additional details will be forthcoming. Please keep an eye on this page for updates.

Thursday, May 9

  • 9:00 am  Registration, Tea, and Snacks
  • 9:30 am  Opening Worship
  • 11:15 am  Workshop Session #1: Jodi Spargur | Rick Faw | Shadia Qubti
  • 12:15 pm  Lunch
  • 1:30 pm  Structured Discussion: Fiona Watts
  • 3:20 pm  Plenary Session #1: Ray Aldred
  • 5:00 pm  Dinner and Activities on the Beach
  • 6:30 pm  End

Friday, May 10

  • 9:00 am  Registration, Tea, and Snacks
  • 9:30 am  Worship
  • 10:30 am  Plenary Session #2: Dennae Pierre
  • 11:45 am  Lunch
  • 1:00 pm  Workshop Session #2: Dennae Pierre | Katrina Grabner | Malcolm McKinlay
  • 2:15 pm  Workshop Session #3: Joy Banks | Kim Boldt & Amy Wilson-Roberts | Malcolm McKinlay
  • 3:30 pm  Concluding Worship
  • 5:00 pm  End


Workshop Session #1

From Nazareth to Vancouver: A Palestinian Christian Account of Navigating Displacements in a New Place, with Shadia Qubti
The Israeli-Palestinian context, to some, is about exclusive access to place. After years working in faith-based peacemaking, my investment in dialogue groups was reconsidered. From my studies in the Canadian-Indigenous theological context, I share my process of unveiling the complexities of my dual positionality of being displaced due to one settler colonial context and of being placed in another settler colonial context. And how the unprecedented ongoing devastation in Gaza and the local and global responses have been expressed in my own community of faith here.

Seeking the Shalom of the City: Pursuing Right-Relationship with Indigenous Neighbours, with Jodi Spargur
Flourishing cannot happen in the presence of gaping wounds. Through story and interactive case study engagement, this workshop seeks to suggest pathways and postures for churches in addressing the historical wounds of colonization and the liberating gospel of repentance and repair.

Who Are My Neighbours? Becoming Earthkeeping Communities Where All God's Creatures Flourish, Both the Human and the More-than-Human Ones, with Rick Faw
Caring for creation is a basic component of discipleship. But how does earthkeeping work out in practice in the midst of parish ministry? How might it dovetail with other aspects of local church mission? This workshop will outline an approach to caring for creation as part of church life. Examples of projects will be described and attendees will be encouraged to imagine what the Spirit is inviting them to do in their own settings.

Structured Discussion

Wisdom of Each Other, with Fiona Watts
What does it look like for a church to recognize that Christ has placed it in the neighborhood, to bless and be blessed in his name? We will explore this question together through facilitated conversation that draws on the wisdom and experience that we all bring to the table

Plenary Session #1

Hearing the Earth Welcome You Home, with Ray Aldred
"To be able to stand on the land and hear her welcome you home..." Spirituality is about understanding your creation story. Our relationship with the earth and our relationship with God are intertwined—there is no place outside of creation where we can experience the creator. This reality has implications for how we understand our responsibilities as human beings.

Plenary Session #2

Unearthing Treasure, with Dennae Pierre
The kingdom of God is all around us, waiting to be lived into. How might we attune our eyes to the Spirit's work within our neighbourhoods and neighbours? We will explore what it means to uncover the reality of God's kingdom all around us and discuss postures and practices that allow us to see each person we encounter with kingdom eyes. We will explore methods to unearth kingdom treasure so that our neighbors would experience the love of Christ in fresh and contextual ways.

Workshop Session #2

Building and Leading Multi-Ethnic Teams, with Dennae Pierre
Building healthy multi-ethnic teams requires intentionality, creativity, communication, and flexibility. In this workshop we will learn what it takes to both build and sustain healthy teams in a variety of contexts and circumstances.

Tending To: Art-Making as Listening Prayer, with Katrina Grabner
Join art therapist Katrina for an hour of tuning into body, mind, soul, and spirit, through an eco-somatic approach to art-making—or, rather art-exploring. No art-making experience is required, just a sense of curiosity, openness, and willingness to play. Through simple art materials we will explore, listen, and practice what it means to tend to, nurture, and be with what is growing in and around us.

Navigating Conflict: A Primer for Church Leaders, with Malcolm McKinlay
When churches are drawn towards change, don't be surprised when conflict comes to the surface. This session explores disagreement and conflict, considers the impact of change, and lays down root principles that support conflict's transformation.

Workshop Session #3

Renewed Appreciation: Neighbourhood Mapping, with Kim Boldt & Amy Wilson-Roberts
This workshop is designed to reignite a sense of connection with the places you serve and the opportunities present both within and beyond the walls of your church. Through a blend of interactive exercises, reflective practices, and group discussions, you'll learn to employ practical tools and methodologies to visually map out key elements of your neighborhood. You'll also cultivate a deeper appreciation for the art of attentive listening to the stories, needs, and aspirations of the members of your community.

Sacred Pause: Listening to the Still Small Voice, with Joy Banks
This workshop is designed as a micro-retreat for a moment of reflection and deeper listening before you return to the rush of ministry. Using the theme and artwork from The Gathering, you will be guided through an individual and community prayer-listening process involving Visio Divina, writing, and joint creation. (After collectively experiencing the micro-retreat process, you will also be given the template to lead a similar creative reflection process in your community.)

Navigating Conflict: A Primer for Church Leaders, with Malcolm McKinlay
When churches are drawn towards change, don't be surprised when conflict comes to the surface. This session explores disagreement and conflict, considers the impact of change, and lays down root principles that support conflict's transformation.

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