This symposium grows out of the long friendship of Makoto Fujimura and Steven Garber, who together have wrestled with the meaning of their own vocations in the face of the tears of Christ, finding in them a way to live, and still love, amidst the ruins. Delve deeply into the meaning of Martin Scorcese’s film, “Silence,” from the novel by Shusaku Endo. Reflect on our common calling to listen to the suffering of the world, even as we speak to the world in and through our own unique vocations.
Those wishing to participate in the symposium for 1 graduate credit will complete reading and additional coursework with Dr. Garber. The symposium counts towards the arts concentration for the masters degree.
Friday: July 6, 9 am–4:30 pm; Film Screening 7:30–9 pm
Saturday: July 7, 9 am–3 pm