"If we didn't have a library, we wouldn't have a Regent."
The students and scholars of the Regent community rely on our library team. The library team relies on Regent's donors.
There’s a lot we wouldn’t be able to accomplish without the generosity of donors. We’ve had to make a lot of adjustments over the past year, and we’ll have to continue to adjust in the future. Donations help us make those adjustments as smoothly as possible while remaining a reliable resource for faculty and students.
—Dannaya Wall, Technical Services Coordinator
Life in the Library
Running a library in a pandemic isn't easy. But the staff of the John Richard Allison Library have demonstrated endless creativity and commitment while serving the Regent community under rapidly changing—but always challenging—circumstances.
Serving Students
It’s a pleasure to work in the library and see its impact on students. I'm grateful for the donors who help us come alongside students and ensure that they continue to receive the best resources and services we can offer. COVID has definitely made us better acquainted with electronic resources, even as we’ve also worked to provide access to physical books through curbside pick-up and library desk booking. We’ve also created a lot of online guides to help students use the resources we have available. I’ve enjoyed making screencast tutorial videos that help guide students through difficulties they might encounter.
—Alex Strohschein, Circulation Coordinator
Building Community
A library is essential to any school: if we didn’t have a library, we wouldn’t have a Regent. The biggest challenge since COVID hit has been finding, evaluating, and updating information on the many online resources that can help students do research from home. We’ve been paying extra close attention to our online presence through the library website and social media to make sure we’re communicating clearly. We want to make sure students have access to resources, and we want them to feel emotionally supported. It’s been fun to build a little library community online.
—Jenny-Lyn de Klerk, Puritan Project Assistant
Please consider supporting the work of the library with a monthly gift. Just select "monthly donation" when entering your online gift.