"How is Regent? Really ... how is Regent?"
I hear that question often, and for good reason. A little over two years ago, Regent was experiencing financial difficulties that necessitated significant budget cuts. It was an incredibly difficult and painful time. Many people ask me how we're doing now, so I wanted to give you an update.
Regent is doing well. I mean that. By God's grace, Regent is in a far better position today than it was two years ago. As I'm reminded by the following stories, God is doing good things.
– Jeff Greenman, President
Regent Stories:
GUSTAVO SANTOS, Current Student
"I came to Regent because I was trying to answer a question..."
"I came to Regent because I was trying to answer a question: what does my faith have to do with my work? I know lots of Christians back home in Brazil have the same question. For a long time I was looking for connections in Brazil who could help me with this, but I couldn't find any. Now I have become the person I wanted to find a few years ago—God has a very good sense of humour! My question today is this: how can I help the Brazilian church bring the depth of the gospel we preach on Sunday into the other six days? My time at Regent is equipping me to do this." Read more ...
GUSTAVO SANTOS, Current Student (MA, Marketplace Theology)
IWAN RUSSELL-JONES, Eugene and Jan Peterson Associate Professor of Theology and the Arts
"Theology that seeks to engage with life is critical..."
"I've always had a very ambivalent relationship with theological education. I believe in theology; I believe it's really important. But I can't stand the ivory tower. I can't stand the idea of theology as just some hobby that theologians talk about with one another. I've seen a lot of that in universities. However, I fully believe in ideas, in the mind, in engagement with the world in all its complexity. Theology that really seeks to engage with life is critical. It's got to be lived—it's got to be theology for life. Regent is a place that values that. It's about empowering people, sending them out in the power of the gospel to live and work to God's praise and glory. As long as there's a church, there's always going to be a need for a place like Regent." Read more ...
IWAN RUSSELL-JONES, Eugene and Jan Peterson Associate
Professor of Theology and the Arts
KAREN BOLDT, Director of Finance
"I am very thankful for God's continued provision..."
"I have the daily privilege of leading and partnering with a great team of people in stewarding Regent's finances. I also have the even greater privilege of bearing witness to countless signs of God's faithfulness. Together, we can give thanks that Regent's overall financial position is stabilizing. We are fulfilling the Board of Governors' mandate to have a balanced operating budget. We continue to see a reduction in our overall operating debt, and we are reporting surpluses in our unrestricted funds. We're moving forward with greater confidence as we seek to attain long-term financial sustainability for Regent. I am very thankful for God's continued provision, and to all the friends of the College who are partnering with us."
KAREN BOLDT, Director of Finance
CLAIRE PERINI, Assistant Dean of Students
"That's what makes studying here such a pivotal, transformative point..."
"Every year at the Leaving Regent Retreat, I love hearing about what Regent has meant to graduating students from all different backgrounds and life stages. One 2017 grad called Regent a nursery for his faith. Another called Regent a place where she wrestled with God. I think they're both onto something: Regent is a safe, nurturing place to struggle! That's what makes studying here such a pivotal, transformative point in people's lives, and that's why so many students describe it as a gift."
CLAIRE PERINI, Assistant Dean of Students
Regent's mission isn't easy. But it is important and worthwhile. Now more than ever, the church needs theology for life. The world needs thoughtful, faithful Christians who engage with culture, seek complex truths over easy answers, and fully commit to participating in God's creative and redemptive work,
This mission is critical, but we can't fulfill it without your help. Would you support Regent's work in the coming year?
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