Transformation at Regent happens as professors engage students in dialogue.
It happens as students encounter new ideas in lectures, readings, and conversations, and as they spend countless hours wrestling with those ideas and their implications.
It happens as students emerge from classes and degrees to find themselves not only informed, but transformed—heart, soul, and mind.
All of this happens in the presence of outstanding faculty, expert guest instructors, dedicated TAs, well equipped classrooms, and strategic academic administration.
But it wouldn't happen without the glad generosity of our donors, who provide over 30% of Regent's funding every year.
Explore these reflections from Regent grads in some of our specific concentrations, showing how God met and transformed them through their studies in a particular area.
Teaching Scripture
We need to know what story we're in if we want to know how to live.
That's why the study of the biblical story is foundational to every program at Regent College.
Students at Regent engage with the whole arc of Scripture, freshly encountering the character of God, the whole range of human responses to his grace, and the full implications of Christ's life, death, and resurrection for a broken world. Simply put, this exploration of the whole biblical story changes everything.
Learning Biblical Languages changed the way I read, studied, and understood Scripture, as well as how I taught it in ministry. I believe they will continue to help me in faithfully living out God's calling in my life.
Shaun Jung, ThM '15, Victoria, Canada
Your support immerses students in the full, transformative story of Scripture.
Teaching Spiritual Theology
Spiritual Theology cultivates responsiveness to the God who seeks to heal us.
It also reminds us that Christian spirituality is not merely a personal quest for healing, but also a call to seek the healing of others through mission, work, ministry, and prayer.
Regent's courses in Spiritual Theology robustly affirm and cultivate the integration of spirituality and everyday life, reflecting the Triune God's desire to bring healing to all aspects of his creation.
Dr. Houston said to me once, “You are fully known by God, Linda. Now you need to get to know the real you that God sees.”
My studies in spiritual theology have encouraged me to live authentically as God has created me to be. I now serve as a pastor, and that simple but invaluable lesson allows me to encourage our community members to pay close attention to the unique ways that God is at work in their lives.
Linda Gotts, MCS '01, Pastor, Burnaby, Canada
Your support roots students in the rich traditions of Christian spirituality.
Teaching Interdisciplinary Studies
God calls his people to claim the whole of human life for Jesus Christ.
Interdisciplinary Studies courses foster this by helping students learn to think Christianly as they explore topics that normally lie outside the theological curriculum.
This area of study challenges students to reflect, from a Christian perspective, on topics such as philosophy, politics, economics, psychology, technology, literature, art, food systems, the environment, and more.
I came to Regent with a specific question that required an interdisciplinary answer: what is the relationship between love and knowledge? I pursued the topic through philosophy, theology, hermeneutics, and the arts. ... Without Regent's INDS concentration, I would have forgotten the heart of my question by specializing prematurely.
But the College's joyful encouragement to pursue our questions out of faithfulness to Christ, and not primarily as a step towards academic specialization, meant that my academic journey transformed me as a human being.
Lucila Crena, MA '15, Organizational Capacity Advisor, Herida, Costa Rica
Your support helps Christians explore how their faith connects with every imaginable area of life.
Teaching History
Theology develops in response to the real life problems and needs of people anchored in a particular time and place.
That's why studying the History of Christianity is vital to a thoughtful response to contemporary society: we cannot intelligently unpack our current theology unless we understand the historical context and cultural assumptions in which it developed.
And that's why Regent encourages deep exploration of key people, events, and movements in the continuing story of God's people—the church of Jesus Christ.
I serve a church in central London where I get to bring my understanding of, and love for, historic liturgy and theology into a very modern city through planning and leading corporate worship, preaching, and teaching history courses.
Whether it's singing one of Charles Wesley's hymns (in his old neighbourhood), using a medieval prayer in a worship service, or telling a thought-provoking tale of a desert father at a men's weekend, I regularly draw upon what I learned at Regent to inspire others.
Paul Enns, MCS '10, Music Pastor, London, England
Your support helps Christians study the past, so they can understand the present and lead the Church wisely into the future.
Teaching World Christianity
Today, more than ever, theology is a global conversation.
The World Christianity program at Regent College focuses on listening to, learning from, and engaging with Christians from different cultures and different regions of the world.
Integrated studies in history, theology, and mission invite students to gain a deeper understanding of the changing face of global Christianity and to participate in God's mission of bringing the whole gospel to the whole world.
When I came to Regent, I was already developing shelters and engagement programs for homeless kids in Nepal and the children of bonded labourers in Northern India. But the burdens of the work were too heavy, and my Westernized theology was too narrow to make sense of the glorious ways God was revealing himself in the Nepalese church. Regent gave me fresh language to identify, make sense of, and participate in the beautiful gospel I was witnessing there. My studies were a gift that enabled me to continue in this work, helping these children envision a different future and facilitate opportunities for them to achieve it.
Daniel Burgi, ThM '09, Ministry Director, North Vancouver, Canada
Your support prepares global Christians for a globalized world.
This is big, joyful, exciting work. Will you join in with a gift to Regent today?
Make it Monthly
Will you commit today to monthly giving, to ensure that Regent has a firm financial foundation to serve God's kingdom through transformative teaching? Just select "monthly donation" when entering your online gift.
If half of our alumni around the world gave just $20 per month, we'd meet our Annual Fund goal this year.