Calling All Regent Writers!

Regent College and Regent Exchange: Churches for the Common Good are pleased to partner on a special issue of the Regent World, to be released early in 2021. Reflecting on the particular challenges posed by the global pandemic, the issue asks: What is the church’s vocation in this moment? How is the church called to serve the common good in our time?
Members of the Regent College community are invited to submit proposals for short writing projects (maximum 3000 words) that address these questions. Those interested in participating are encouraged to submit proposals to [email protected] by October 30, 2020. Collaborative writing projects are strongly encouraged. A variety of formats are welcome, including theological and biblical analyses, case studies of churches contributing to the common good, and creative liturgy and poetry. Authors will be compensated for works published in the special issue. Further information is available here: RFP - Calling All Regent Writers
Regent Exchange: Churches for the Common Good is a fresh expression of Regent College's longstanding commitment to integrative theology. Regent Exchange partners with churches in Cascadia to help them research and launch new projects that contribute to the common good. The Regent World, a longstanding publication of Regent College, explores theological ideas and their implications for everyday life.
Commenting on the reasons for this partnership, Dr. Rhonda McEwen, Director of Regent Exchange, said: “As we launch our second cohort, our church partners are grappling with circumstances we could never have imagined a year ago. This time of societal disruption and change may indeed be a 'kairos moment' for the people of God––one in which congregations and their leaders are reimagining the vocation of the local church. This special issue of the Regent World provides a timely opportunity for us to consider how Regent’s rich tradition of theology for all of life can inform an innovative and thoughtful response to our cultural moment.”