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December 17, 2014

Enter the Story at Regent College this Summer

Regent College announces the launch of Summer Programs 2015! Streamed through five exciting tracks centred around the story of God, over 50 courses will help you make your faith relevant to all spheres of life. This year's renowned lecturers include theologian J.I. Packer, musician Steve Bell, spiritual director Susan Phillips, award-...

December 18, 2014

Regent College Announces Partnership with A Rocha

Vancouver, November 24, 2014—Regent College, known for providing world-class biblical education for everyday people, has entered into a partnership with A Rocha, an international Christian organization that engages in scientific research, environmental education, community-based conservation projects, and sustainable agriculture. Th...


November 24, 2014

UK Trust Welcomes New Trustees, Plans Fresh Engagement

In its largest-ever expansion, the Friends of Regent College Canada Trust was excited to welcome four new trustees at its November meeting. Founded in 1998, the Trust was originally intended to enable UK supporters to benefit from gift aid on their donations to Regent College. With this expansion, the Trust has started assessing how it can be a...

November 10, 2014

Regent College Launches the Hong Kong Foundation

Regent College is pleased to announce the launch of the Regent College (Hong Kong) Foundation Limited. A special launch event will be held on Saturday, November 15, 2014 at 7:30 pm at Island Evangelical Community Church in Quarry Bay, Hong Kong. Over 300 people in Hong Kong have received degrees or taken courses here in Vancouve...

November 04, 2014

New Downloadable, Multi-Media Course Bridges Critical Gap in Discipleship

VANCOUVER, November 4, 2014 —Regent College, known for providing world-class biblical education for everyday people, in partnership with The Washington Institute, a US-based non-profit dedicated to connecting faith, vocation, and culture, has released ReFrame, a 10-week film-based discipleship course designed for groups to help Chris...

October 01, 2014

Redux: Freedom in the Busy - Join Us for the Live Web Event on Nov 6

On the heels of our first live webcast that happened in May, The Regent World is excited to announce our next Redux event, “Freedom in the Busy: Celebrating Sabbath in a World that Never Stops,” which coincides with the Fall issue of The Regent World on spiritual disciplines. In today's technology-saturated world, the rhythm of our lives ...

October 08, 2014

Rita Houston Dies Peacefully at the Age of 90

Rita Houston, wife of our much beloved founding Principal Jim Houston, died peacefully this morning in the presence of family. Rita Houston is instrumental to the story of Regent College. In 1970, she and Jim Houston immigrated to Canada from the UK to found Regent. While her husband focused on the academic and administrative dema...

September 30, 2014

Is Theology for the Birds? Join Us Oct 8 for this Storytelling Event

On Wednesday, October 8 at 7 pm, join Regent College President Rod Wilson and A Rocha International President and co-founders Peter and Miranda Harris for an evening of story-telling exploring the connection between the work of theology at Regent and A Rocha’s environmental stewardship and conservation initiatives around the world. Regent’s th...

October 27, 2014

Discipline in an Age of Distraction: The Fall Regent World is Out

Regent College’s Marketing and Communications Department has launched its Fall issue of The Regent World called “Discipline in an Age of Distraction." With so many devices and tasks clamouring for our attention and schedules, how do we be still and hear God’s voice? What does it look like to practice ancient disciplines like Sabbath in our co...

August 21, 2014

Regent College Summer Programs Go Abroad

Regent College is well known for its vibrant Summer Programs that bring in people from around the world who gather in Vancouver from May to July to take one- or two-week courses from Regent faculty and visiting scholars. What is less known is that Regent College also takes its summer teaching abroad. Since 2006, the Chinese Studies Progr...

August 05, 2014

Announcing the 2014 Laing Lectures

Regent College is pleased to announce that the speaker for the 2014 Laing Lectures will be New York Times columnist Ross Douthat. Douthat will deliver a series of three lectures on the topic Settling in to a Decadent Decline on October 22 and 23, 2014 at Regent College. Five years ago, our civilization experienced a massive economic cris...

June 25, 2014

Rod Wilson’s Presidential Term Comes to An End

Longtime Regent College President Rod Wilson has announced that he will not be seeking a fourth term. His role as President will thus end in August 2015. Dr. Wilson explains the decision process: “When the Board offered me a third five-year term in 2010, my wife and I wondered if ten years was long enough in this role and wheth...

May 29, 2014

International Students Can Now Work Off Campus

Effective June 1, 2014, international students who are enrolled full time and have a study permit will be able to work off campus for up to 20 hours per week without a work permit. For more information about this and other changes to Canada's International Student program, visit Citizenship and Immigration Canada's website here. Photo u...

May 15, 2014

David Lyon on the "Rise of the Surveillance State"

David Lyon is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada who serves as Director of the Surveillance Studies Centre and Professor of Sociology and of Law at Queen’s University (Ontario).He has been extensively involved in debates around issues of national and international surveillance practices, policies, and ethics. Abigail Harmon, Digital Mark...

May 05, 2014

Regent Writers Shortlisted for 2014 Word Guild Awards

The Word Guild has announced its shortlist for the 2014 Word Awards and, like previous years, there are a number of Regent faculty and alumni who made the list. In the Book-Academic category, Regent professor Hans Boersma was nominated for Embodiment and Virtue in Gregory of Nyssa (Oxford University Press), while James M. Houston, emeritu...

May 01, 2014

“So, What Do You Do?”: New Regent World Issue on Working it Out

Regent College’s Marketing and Communications Department has launched its Spring/Summer issue of The Regent World entitled “Working it Out.” Taking the perennial get-to-know-you question, “So, what do you do?” as its starting point, the issue explores the place of work in our lives through articles, interviews, videos, and—for the first time—...

April 14, 2014

"Can You Do What You Love?" A Regent World Webcast May 16

Regent College is excited to announce something new in collaboration with Christianity Today for the upcoming May issue of The Regent World: an on-air panel discussion that combines three distinguished thinkers and you! We ask about it almost as soon as we meet someone new: "So, what do you do?" The answer is complicated. The previous gen...

April 13, 2014

Canada's Anti-Spam Laws Take Effect July 1, 2014

On July 1, 2014, Canada's new anti-spam legislation, designed to curb unwanted electronic communication, will come into force. Regent College wants to comply with the new legislation to protect your privacy, so we’re taking steps now to ensure we’re ready when the change comes into effect on July 1. The new laws require us to obtain your cons...

April 09, 2014

Mark Buchanan on Lessons from David

Mark Buchanan is an author, former pastor, and professor of Pastoral Theology at Ambrose University. His next book will be on the biblical character of David, and he will be teaching a course this summer entitled With Skillful Hands and Integrity of Heart: Leadership Lessons from David, June 2-6. Abigail Harmon, Digital Marketing Coordinator...

March 26, 2014

Dennis Danielson on Paradise Lost

Abigail Harmon, Digital Marketing Coordinator for Regent College, recently asked Dennis Danielson, intellectual historian and Professor of English at the University of British Columbia, to talk about John Milton’s Paradise Lost. One of the foremost Milton scholars of the last fifty years, Dr. Danielson has written both the Cambridge Companion...

March 17, 2014

Robert F. Cochran on Law and Christian Faith

Religious freedom is enshrined in both American and Canadian constitutions, and the separation of church and state is highly valued in these areas of the West. This often makes for fascinating conversation around litigation and religious freedom, currently heating up in both countries. We thought we’d ask Robert F. Cochran—Director of the He...

March 12, 2014

Register Today for The 2014 Regent College Pastors' Conference

Regent College is pleased to announce the 2014 Regent College Pastors’ Conference from May 6-9, 2014. The theme for this year’s event is “Transformation the Gospel Way: Cultivating Christ-like Persons of Holy Character and Faithful Ethical Action.” Christians are called to live by the gospel. The good news of Jesus Christ is meant to form...

February 26, 2014

Announcing the 17th Dietrich Bonhoeffer Society Lectures

Regent College, the Vancouver School of Theology, and the Canada Research Chair in Interpretation, Religion and Culture (TWU) are pleased to announce the 17th Dietrich Bonhoeffer Society Lectures on Public Ethics: Christian Humanism and the Challenges of Moral Formation in “a world come of age”. The current cultural landscape of Western ...

February 19, 2014

Calling All Writers: Win a Dinner Date with J.I. Packer

Write Vancouver has announced two new scholarships at its upcoming conference from May 23-24 at the University of British Columbia. This conference, organized by The Word Guild, brings together emerging and professional writers and provides opportunities to network, hone your craft, and talk about your work. Registration opens February 21. ...

January 30, 2014

Change in Leadership Responsibilities

The Chair of Regent's Board of Governors, Dr. Dennis Danielson, announced today that President Rod Wilson, whose third term in office ends in August, 2015, will devote the remainder of his term to College advancement. As such, he will spend much more of his time traveling and away from the College. Dr. Jeffrey Greenman, the College's Academic...

January 16, 2014

“Be Fearless” Showing at Missions Fest Vancouver Film Festival

Regent College is excited to announce that “Be Fearless”, a video of alumna Cheryl Bear, has been selected as one of the 29 films presented at the Fifth Annual Missions Fest Vancouver Film Festival January 24-26, 2014. The film screens in the First Nations Focus Short Film Showcase at 11:00 am on Saturday, January 25. The video is narrat...

January 15, 2014

New Regent World Explores Arts and Theology

Regent College’s Marketing and Communications Department has launched its Winter issue of The Regent World focusing on arts and theology. The issue comes on the heels of an art-filled fall where Dr. Iwan Russell-Jones was installed as the first incumbent of the Eugene and Jan Peterson Chair in Theology and the Arts. Watch his lecture from...

January 06, 2014

Turning Theology from Pathology to Strength

Ellen T. Charry is the Margaret W. Harmon Professor of Systematic Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary. Charry will deliver a series of three lectures on the topic “Christian Theology as a Guide for the Emotions” on February 19 and 20 at Regent College as part of the 2013-2014 Laing Lectures. We asked Dr. Charry to elaborate on the emot...

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