1974 Lynn (Martin) Tolleson
Artist/Writer • Atlanta, Georgia, USA
On Campus 1972-1974 ∙ DipCS '74
Following graduate studies at the University of British Columbia, I married a fellow Regent graduate ('76) from Atlanta and moved to Georgia. We have been blessed with three sons and five grandchildren. I currently work as a writer and artist, but especially enjoy every minute with those wonderful grands.
How Regent made a difference:
My studies at Regent gave me the tools to study and understand the Scriptures for myself. It grounded me in countless ways. I was also surrounded by professors and others who were serious about studying and pursuing truth—an openness to questioning and lack of bias that was exhilarating. There is perhaps no part of my life that has not been affected by my time at Regent. To have a sense that you understand life at a very basic level is freeing.

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My journey to Regent:
After university, I considered working as a missionary in South America. After several months of soul-searching and indecision, I felt that I did not know enough to be an effective leader—perhaps more accurately, I did not have a foundational knowledge of the faith I was to teach. It was the most difficult decision I have ever made, but I enrolled in Regent Summer School. Staying for a full year then seemed like a given.
My journey since:
After completing my diploma at Regent, I took a directed study course on the nature of humanity. This allowed me to complete further graduate studies in clinical psychology while maintaining a foundational understanding amid all the various theories and conflicting ideas about who we are as people. When my husband Tom and I moved to Atlanta, I was given the opportunity to work as a counselor at a Presbyterian-sponsored career development center. After our children were born, I continued working there part-time for about eighteen years. I was also able to complete a Master's in Theology at Columbia Seminary, and spend an additional year studying spiritual direction.
As we've moved residences within Atlanta and as our children have grown, we've attended a number of different churches and denominations. Each has brought its own blessings, as well as disappointments and challenges. We're now attending a wonderful church, very balanced and Christ-centered, and it is as much a spiritual home as we have yet experienced here.
Tom and I have also been privileged to be involved with various ministry organizations, and we are now on the board of the C.S. Lewis Institute in Atlanta, which is another entity that has roots in the Regent vision. It began in Washington, DC, with original input from Dr. Jim Houston, and is designed to give people from various walks of life a foundational understanding of their faith.
Aspect of my life today that would have surprised me as a student:
Just about everything!
Regent Memories:
I was part of a wonderful class of diverse individuals from many places and backgrounds. We enjoyed each other, had many informal get-togethers, and laughed often. For me, and I hope for others, it was a joy-filled time of friendship and family.
Favourite Classes:
Theology and exegesis, and my directed study on human nature.
Favourite thing about Vancouver:
Walking the seawall around Stanley Park with a friend early in the morning, then stopping for breakfast.
Three words that describe Regent:
1. Exciting
2. Fun
3. FoundationalWhy I support Regent College today:
At its most basic, supporting Regent financially allows others to enjoy the life-changing experiences that we were able to have. In a world of conflicting worldviews and ideas that are becoming more and more hostile and intolerant toward each other, a year or more of study at Regent can give students a solid grasp of how to negotiate and understand the world.
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