2013 Matt Timms
Pastor • Roseville, California, USA
On Campus 2011–2013 ∙ MATS ’15
I’m an Associate Pastor at a church in Lincoln, California. I’ve lived (mostly by accident) in some of the best places in the world: Sydney, Australia; Northern and Southern California; and, of course, Vancouver.
Funniest Regent memory:
Live recording Hashtag Atrium in the atrium. How ridiculous that they let us do that! But also wonderful.
Editor’s note: Hashtag Atrium is still a great (often hilarious) listen. You can find episodes here (with show notes), or just about anywhere fine podcasts are found. More recently, Matt has been podcasting at Curious Church.

More From Matt
How I got to Regent:
I came to Regent immediately after graduating from Biola University. I was looking to continue my studies, and Regent was the school that was on the recommended lists of multiple mentors. So that’s where I ended up going (thanks in no small part to a generous scholarship).
Most important Regent lesson:
The significance and formative role of the sacraments in the life of the church. I hadn’t given much thought to them before (beyond “that generally seems like a good idea”), so having people talk about their importance was eye-opening.
How Regent made a difference:
One of the biggest differences my Regent experience made was giving me an openness to the broader historical tradition of Christianity. I wouldn’t have described myself as hostile as much as unaware, and the willingness to look at other traditions has been deeply formative.
Also, some of my most meaningful friendships came out of my time at Regent. It’s such a unique place where you have people coming for such diverse reasons (everything from continuing and hoping for further studies, to wanting to take a short break from their career to learn more about the Bible and theology). I also loved that I came when I was quite young (relative to many of my classmates); I feel like interacting and learning from people in all chapters of their lives was deeply maturing for me.
Highlights since graduation:
1) I got married to Rachel, my wife of four years.
2) I worked as an Instructional Designer in the online department of a Christian university for four and a half years (didn’t see that coming).
3) After working at Granite Spring Church for four years as a part-time worship coordinator (writing prayers, shaping liturgy, etc.), I was ordained and now pastor at that church, helping us explore spiritual formation and catechesis. This church has become home in no small part because it has a bit of a Regenty flavor (the good kind of flavor).
Aspect of my life that would have surprised me as a student:
That I’m a pastor. Never would have guessed. Seriously.
Memorable moments:
Too many to count. Hours in the atrium, particularly recording Hashtag Atrium with James Smoker, which I like to think of as the unofficial precursor to the Regent College Podcast. ;) Another wonderful memory was TAing for Bruce Hindmarsh’s summer Prayer course and attending the prayer retreat.
A memory that I’ve carried with me in a formative way was a conversation I had with Hans Boersma, asking him what it looked like/what it took to be a theologian. His response (paraphrased): “You have to be a saint first.”
Why I support Regent today:
I believe in what Regent is doing, and I’ve always appreciated the spirit with which Regent seeks to do it. It is educating within a tradition, but there’s a healthy sense of dialog and engagement that you don’t necessarily find in a denominational seminary. These are not easy days for theological education across North America, and I’m convinced that we need to support the places that are doing that education well.
Regent in three words:
1. Enriching
2. Grounding
3. FormativeOnly Regent people…
…live in the tension of using the word “tension” or avoiding using the word “tension” while still meaning “tension.”
Best Regent memory:
CTC tutorial group dinner at Iwan Russell-Jones’s apartment my first semester. That was a wonderful time.
Favorite Regent class:
History of Christian Doctrine with Hans Boersma.
Favorite place to study:
Shared desks in the library. Or the atrium. Neither were particularly productive options.
Favorite things about Vancouver:
All of it. But I always loved the visual juxtaposition of the city against the mountains.
Fun Facts:
1. I’m a dual citizen (Australia/US; never managed to get the Canadian triple threat).
2. While in Vancouver, Regent friends gave me a total wardrobe makeover. It made for a vast improvement (and a lasting impact).
3. I’ve still never been to Canadian Tire.
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