2003 Henry Siu
English Teacher • Hong Kong
On Campus 1997-2006 ∙ DipCS ’03 & MDiv ’06
After spending nine years at Regent, I moved to Hong Kong for a year—supposedly. That was in 2006, and I’m still there now! I live with my wife, Sharon, and our happy and active toddler, Caleb.
Best Regent memory:
Serving communion in chapel is my favourite Regent memory. The worship in chapel was such a unique experience: creative, artistic, thoughtful, and Spirit-filled. I can understand why it’s described as the highlight of the week. The students, staff, and faculty want to be there. I could feel this desire to meet God. I think of chapel at Regent as a foretaste of the ongoing worship in Heaven.
Only Regent people…
…understand that it’s okay to be a misfit in God’s kingdom.

More From Henry
How I got to Regent:
Before coming to Regent, I was studying science at Simon Fraser University. I learned about Regent through some friends who were studying there. I was intrigued by its vision of training the laity, not just pastors. Regent seemed like a safe place to ask questions and search for answers.
Life after Regent:
After completing my MDiv, I moved to Hong Kong to serve as Interim Associate Pastor for an international church. I was only supposed to stay for one year. Much to my surprise, however, I fell in love with a beautiful girl from Hong Kong and decided to stay a little longer. Thirteen years later, I’m still in Hong Kong!
I believe God has called me to pastoral ministry. I’ve served as a pastor in two different churches in Hong Kong. But, again to my surprise, I’ve also spent half my time here working as a teacher.
In September 2016, Sharon and I experienced the stillbirth of our first-born son, Gabriel. We lost him at Week 39 due to a placental abruption caused by preeclampsia. I almost lost my wife as well.
In February 2018, our “rainbow baby,” Caleb, was born. Sadly, my father died of a massive brain bleed at his home in Vancouver just a few weeks before Caleb’s birth.
How Regent made a difference:
Regent taught me the importance of story. I learned to see how the biblical story incorporates my personal story, and how my life story fits into God’s salvation story.
And then there’s this: Regent College knows how to grieve and mourn. That knowledge matters a lot to me.
Why I support Regent today:
Having spent nine years at Regent, I feel as if I grew up at the College! I was so blessed during my time at Regent. I want others to experience theological education in a diverse and life-giving community.
Three words that describe Regent College:
1. Thoughtful
2. Creative
3. Life-givingFunniest Regent memory:
There are so many to choose from! I can’t forget a student imitating Rikk Watts during a skit in chapel. I also remember Sven Soderlund’s dry sense of humour and “The Massage” (the Swedish Unseminary version of The Message).
Favourite Regent class:
Any class with Darrell Johnson.
Favourite place to study:
The Atrium…though I didn’t actually get much studying done there!
Favourite thing about Vancouver:
Long summer days.
Fun Facts:
1. I could have received a concentration in biblical languages if I’d taken one more Hebrew class.
2. Donna Dinsmore (“the chapel lady”) gave me permission to buy the communion wine.
3. I took some of my wedding photos at Regent College!
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