1983 Theresa Ip Froehlich
Retired/Life Coach • Seattle, Washington, USA
On Campus 1981-1983 ∙ DIPCS ’82, MDIV ’85
I’m a Hong Kong native and have studied and lived in Canada and the US. I describe myself as multicultural and multilingual, and I love international travel and ethnic foods. My husband Hervey and I have two young adult children. Feel free to look me up on Facebook!
Sharing Regent Summer School:
Over the past ten years or so, my husband and I have been coming to summer classes with some alumni friends. We've been bringing other people too. I can see us continuing to visit Vancouver for Regent classes for as long as we’re physically able. My hope and dream is really to introduce Regent to other people in Seattle, so they can go up at least for summer classes. Ultimately, our goal is to point people to Scripture, to encourage engagement with Scripture. Regent is a wonderful resource for that.
This summer, we took a group of twelve people from our church (most of whom did not know each other before) to attend N.T. Wright’s class on Galatians. It was a fabulous time of learning together, getting to know each other, and dreaming about how we might serve the Kingdom together. Getting Bible content and building community—that’s what discipleship is about!

More From Theresa
Why I support Regent today:
The mission that Regent started out with and continues to hold onto is an important one. It’s about integrating faith with work, with family, with your role in your community—with everything in life. I think that mission is a critical one. It’s also a mission that, in my experience, isn’t always held up as a high priority in the teaching and preaching ministry of our churches. Many of us aren’t getting a lot of help integrating faith and work, or faith and family, or faith and life in general from the pulpit. Regent is fulfilling a critical role that I want to support and encourage others to experience.
I want the kind of experience I’ve had at Regent to be available to future generations. I can do a small part by contributing financially.
How I got to Regent:
I became a serious follower of Jesus in 1977, shortly after finishing graduate business school in Seattle. I was working as an accountant and financial analyst, but a conference speaker encouraged me to go on and get seminary training, so I looked for a place to do that. Regent made sense for a lot of reasons—I was already living in Vancouver and had just become a Canadian citizen—but I was also encouraged by connections with Regent students and professors.
One key connection was with Dr. Bruce Waltke. I ended up sitting next to him on an airplane on the way to a Baptist convention, and I remember distinctly that we both liked Cows Ice Cream on Robson Street in Vancouver. That was one of the reasons I decided to come to Regent. If I could talk to my professor about my favourite ice cream store, that counted for a lot. It’s symbolic of a lot of things. Regent professors are approachable—they’re real human beings. We can talk about ice cream!
Student life highlights:
I have fond memories of camping trips with other students, Regent retreats at the beginning of the school year, many lunch and coffee dates, and intensive summer Greek and Hebrew (absolutely unforgettable!).
I continue to especially appreciate the role that several professors played in my life. Bruce Waltke’s humble and prayerful spirituality, Jim Houston’s love for and availability to students, and Sven Soderlund’s gracious and pastoral attentiveness all contributed to my deep gratitude for Regent.
My journey since Regent:
Since leaving Regent, Hervey and I have been committed to supporting and helping each other thrive spiritually. This has been especially important through difficulties such as living in a racially segregated society (the southern US) for several years, facing parenting challenges, and dealing with unsatisfying discipleship emphases in our home church.
After we moved to Seattle in 1999, Hervey and I started reconnecting with other Regent alumni. We found that once we got connected with some, we got connected with others, and the connection with Regent took on a life of its own. We get together with two other alumni couples for dinner about once a month, and enjoy teaching and taking classes together too.
How Regent made a difference:
Regent has shaped me as a follower of Christ. It has shaped how I relate to the world. In particular, it taught me to think biblically, knowing that the Scriptures are authoritative for my life. I picked up many tools to help me dig into Scripture, which I have appreciated in my own life and tried to share with others. It also taught me about community and the value of a relentless quest to grow as a Christ-follower, not just in terms of head knowledge, but also in praxis.
Funniest Regent memory:
Seeing Dr. Packer’s famous book title changed from “Knowing God, by J. I. Packer” to “Knowing Packer, by God.”
Favourite thing about Vancouver:
The Chinese food.
Three words that describe Regent:
- Scholarly
- Connected
- Relevant
Only Regent people…
…use the term “transdenominational.”
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