1980 Glen Scorgie
Professor of Theology • San Diego, California, USA
On Campus 1979-1981 ∙ DipCS '80, MCS '82
I’m a Canadian citizen who’s been living in the US since 1996. (I’m now on my third green card.) I still sense the green, green grass back in Canada, but home is where my family is, and right now that’s in southern California. My wife Kate and I are truly spoiled, with our three daughters and five (soon to be six) grandchildren all within fifteen minutes of us. I teach theology and ethics at Bethel Seminary San Diego, and consider my work an incredible gift and privilege. You can find me online at glenscorgie.com.
Memorable Scenes:
Back in the 1970s, some of Regent’s theological giants occupied minimally renovated washrooms from the building’s former days as a fraternity house. For me, it symbolized the upside-down nature of the kingdom. I admired my professors all the more for it.
Why I support Regent today:
Gratitude. Plain and simple.

More From Glen
How I got to Regent:
Before coming to Regent I was serving as the Director of Admissions for what is now Ambrose University in Calgary. We came to Regent as a preparatory step toward doctoral studies because of its earned reputation for academic rigour and excellence. We really hit the jackpot, because J. I. Packer and Klaus Bockmuehl arrived at the same time we did.
Most important lesson:
That consecrated scholarship is a legitimate calling.
My journey since Regent:
Life highlights have included studying at St. Andrews in Scotland, seeing my amazing wife flourish in her own academic career, raising our daughters together, birthing some books along the way, and travelling to teach in numerous countries, mostly in Asia. I’ve been incredibly blessed through the years by the welcome that Chinese brothers and sisters in Christ have extended to me. I have received far more than I’ve given.
Appreciating faculty:
The examples and mentoring of key faculty members like Carl Armerding, J. I. Packer, Ian Rennie, and Jim Houston have been formative. They are the gold standard of what it means to love God, maintain genuine affection for his church, and pursue truth with curiosity, wonder, and delight.
Appreciating fellow students:
I attended Regent with some really bright people. Some nights I went home from class feeling rather intimidated! Many of these very intelligent people were women. That realization accelerated my journey to egalitarianism.
Best Regent memory:
Hanging out with Ian Rennie, a godly man with such a beautiful, encyclopedic mind.
Funniest Regent memory:
Carl F. H. Henry spoke at our graduation ceremony in 1981. Ken Badley, our class representative, followed, and in his inimitable style completely eclipsed the great man. We all felt vicarious pride.
Favourite Regent class:
Canadian church history.
Favourite thing about Vancouver:
Driving out to Horseshoe Bay in the rain.
Aspect of my life that would have surprised me as a student:
That after years in Regina and Edmonton, I’d be living in San Diego.
Fun facts:
- My trumpet teacher quit before I did—he said he’d suffered enough.
- I never did grade 12.
- Mary Slessor, the Victorian Scottish missionary, was my great-great-aunt.
Three words that describe Regent College:
- Conservationist
- Non-conformist
- Ardent
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