1979 Gerald Neufeld
Retired Computer Scientist • Point Roberts, Washington, USA
On Campus 1978-1979, 2013-2015 ∙ DipCS '79; MATS '15
After finishing my Master’s degree in computer science, I decided to spend a year studying the Bible at Regent. It was the best year, and the hardest year, of my life! Years later, I was looking for a new hobby after retirement, and realized that what I really wanted to do was study and teach the Bible. So, I returned to Regent for further study in 2013. I’ve been married to Ellen for 49 years. We have a son and daughter, both of whom are married to wonderful people, and five beautiful granddaughters.
Best Regent memory:
I have many great memories, but my all-time happiest Regent moment was when I finished writing my final second-year Greek exam!

More From Gerald
How I got to Regent:
I was a computer programmer at the University of Manitoba. I had just become a Christian and had many questions. It seemed to me that since I had just spent many years getting a Master’s degree in in Computer Science, I should at least take one year and study the Bible. I had learned about Regent through our church. Because it accepted students without an undergraduate degree in theology, it was the perfect choice for me. I expected to stay in computer science, so the one-year program was ideal.
My journey since Regent:
After finishing my diploma, a completed a PhD and taught in the University of British Columbia’s Computer Science department. I also worked on a start-up company in California. A major change in my life occurred in my 50s, when I began working in my local church in Cupertino. It was a real privilege for me to change careers, to return to Regent to complete a Master’s degree in New Testament, and then to get involved with work in South Asia.
How Regent made a difference:
Regent got me started in my Christian life with a desire to grow in my knowledge and understanding of God through a clearer understanding of the Bible. The lesson I’ve taken with me throughout my working life is the importance of really studying the Bible—not just a passage here or there, but looking at the entire Bible as the whole word of God.
Wise words from faculty:
One moment that had a big impact on me was having lunch with Dr. Bruce Waltke and several other students. One of the students asked Dr. Waltke how he was able to separate his academic study of Scripture with devotional reading. Dr. Waltke appeared somewhat puzzled by the question, but then replied, “there is no difference.” That academic and devotional reading could be combined was a new and profound revelation to me!
Another significant conversation took place when my wife and I met with Dr. Houston. The one statement that has remained with us ever since was his comment that we will never be more righteous than we were that day because we have Christ’s righteousness. To realize that we have received Christ’s righteousness and don’t have to earn it through obedience was profoundly freeing.
Favourite Regent Course:
I have two: Ross Hastings’s course on Hebrews, and first-year Greek with Polly Long.
Funniest Regent memory:
Watching a colleague from Australia walk around barefoot all winter!
Aspect of my life that would have surprised me as a student:
The most surprising thing is that I’m involved with South Asia.
Three words that describe Regent:
- Diverse
- Rigourous
- Caring
Why I support Regent today:
Regent provides a unique opportunity to learn from diverse Protestant viewpoints in a positive environment. I’ve studied with professors from Baptist, Reformed, Mennonite, Pentecostal, and Anglican backgrounds. Furthermore, the cultural diversity of the students at Regent reflects the Christian community of “every nation, tribe, people, and language.”
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