1986 Janet Taylor
Family and Individual Therapist • Eugene, Oregon, USA
On Campus 1985-1986 ∙ DIPCS ’86
I’m a therapist who works with trauma and abuse survivors, often weaving healing prayer into our work. I’ve experienced quite a bit of change recently: a few years ago I got married after 39 years of being single, and a couple years after that I moved to Eugene after 45 years in Salem, Oregon. And a few months ago, I became a step-great-grandmother!
Faith and vocation:
I came to Regent because I wanted to explore my evangelical roots and integrate my counselling work with my Christian faith. My experience as a student taught me to think Christianly in both my personal and professional life, giving me a deeper foundation in my faith and a desire to apply it by thinking outside the box.
I still work in counselling today, and I continue to love my work, especially getting to watch how God sets people free. I see my mission terms of Jesus’s mission in Luke 4:18-19—proclaiming good news, freedom, and recovery. It is holy work.

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Best Regent memory:
Taking a writing course with Madeleine L’Engle and a journaling class with Luci Shaw during Summer School 1990. I continue to be grateful that Regent offers Summer School courses so we can keep coming back in order to keep growing and learning.
Funniest Regent memory:
Studying with friends in the portable and laughing hysterically as Chris Hall regaled us with stories of when he worked in a funeral home and drove a hearse to pick up the bodies. So funny!
Favourite thing about Vancouver:
Sitting on a log down at the beach, gazing at the mountains.
Aspect of my life that would have surprised me as a student:
That I would be doing Member Care with missionaries and teaching counseling to ex-pats and nationals in several countries.
Why I support Regent today:
I love Regent’s mission to offer graduate-level courses in theology and Christian spirituality to laypeople who want to integrate their careers and vocations with a Christian perspective.
Fun facts about me:
1. I have 80 grand-nieces and -nephews.
2. Some of my fellow Regent students became life-long friends.
3. My husband, a retired pastor, is a passionate advocate for homeless folks and I have been stretched to see Jesus’ passion for them.
As a donor, I'm supporting Regent's ongoing mission.
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