1990 Lee Soo Ann
Economist • Singapore
On Campus 1988–1990 ∙ DIPCS ’89, MCS ’90
I am a semi-retired Professor of Economics at the National University of Singapore. I became a grandfather at age fifty-three, and a father again at age sixty-one—I have three children and five grandchildren in total. I’m still writing and teaching at age eighty.
Why I support Regent today:
Regent is a good theological school for students changing their vocation or thinking about how they can serve. It helps students to live authentic lives and integrate their faith with their thinking in every area.

More From Lee Soo Ann
Before and after Regent:
Before coming to Regent I was serving as a full-time Professor of Economics and Business Policy at the National University of Singapore. After graduating, I served as General Secretary of the Bible Society of Singapore for thirteen and a half years. I then returned to teaching on a part-time basis. I’m also an Elder in the Presbyterian Church of Singapore, and active in social service.
Most important lesson from Regent:
A Christian has to be authentic.
Favourite class:
Christian Spirituality
Best Regent memory:
Meeting Dr. Jim Houston, Dr. J. I. Packer, and other excellent teachers, and especially visiting the homes of Dr. Houston and Dr. Packer.
Funniest Regent memory
Trying to find a parking space in the lot near the College!
Favourite thing about Vancouver:
Scenery, skiing, and shopping for food.
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