From the moment he proclaims the Kingdom of God, Jesus appeals to our imaginations. He makes this appeal through parable, through paradox, and through the enigmatic and beautiful signs he gave in his miracles. In the gift of faith, and in Christ himself, we glimpse more than we can yet understand: Our imagination apprehends more than our reason comprehends. This is not to say that the gospel is in any way “imaginary” in the dismissive sense of “unreal” or “untrue.” On the contrary, what Christ speaks is so real and true that we need every faculty, including imagination, to apprehend it. In an age of linear, one-level readings, we need to recover confidence in the baptised imagination as a truth-bearing faculty.
April 9—Lecture 1: Christ & the Poetic Imagination
April 10—Lecture 2: Christ & the Moral Imagination
April 11—Lecture 3: Christ & the Prophetic Imagination
All lectures will take place from 7:30 to 9:30 pm in the Regent College Chapel. The event is free of charge and entry is first-come, first-served up to capacity.
Read the announcement of Malcolm Guite as the 2019 Laing Lecturer here. The lectures will also be livestreamed on Regent's YouTube channel.