Promotion of Rikk Watts
Rikk Watts
The Board of Governors of Regent College is pleased to announce that Dr. Rikki E. Watts has been promoted to the rank of full professor of New Testament studies. Rikk Watts obtained his first degree in aeronautical engineering and worked as an engineer before doing a Bachelor of Arts degree at Latrobe University in Australia. He also supported himself and his family for a time as a professional musician. After several careers, he completed his Master of Arts degree in New Testament Studies and a Master of Divinity degree at Gordon-Conwell Seminary in Massachusetts, before proceeding to do a doctorate in New Testament at Cambridge University.
From 1990 to 1997 he taught at the Bible College of Victoria, in his native Australia. He was appointed as Associate Professor of New Testament at Regent College in 1997. Rikk has published Isaiah’s New Exodus and Mark (WUNT 2.88, Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck, 1997). Republished in the US by Baker Academic, Grand Rapids: 2001 and The Old Testament in Mark a 100,000 word contribution to Commentary on the NT Use of the OT, eds. G.K. Beale and D.A. Carson (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2007. He also has several popular works which have been published in Portugese : Livres Para Amar. (Saõ Paulo: Editora Sepal, 2001); Isaías: A mensagem do profeta para o Brasil de nossos dias. (Saõ Paulo: Editora Sepal, 2002); and Jesus: O Modelo Pastoral (Sao Paulo: Editora Habacuc, 2004)
He has three books under contract: Jesus and the Mighty Deeds of Yahweh with Baker Academic, in process; New International Commentary series on Mark (following Mighty Deeds), Eerdmans; andHeaven on Earth: an Introduction to the Christian Vision (due 2008-9, Regent Publishing
Rikk and his wife Katie have two adult children, and are involved in the New Life Community Church in Burnaby where Rikk regularly preaches in a Sunday-evening service for twenty-somethings known as the Rock Garden.
Congratulations, Rikk!