Korean and Chinese ReFrame Translations Now Available

We are very excited to announce that the Korean and Chinese translations of ReFrame are complete!
In December 2016, the ReFrame team held a launch event with Regent alumni and churches in South Korea. Dae-kyung Lee (MDiv ‘04), a Regent alumnus currently practicing dentistry in Seoul reflects, “The Korean and Chinese translation of ReFrame will surely help Korean and Chinese believers to experience Jesus in their daily lives set free from dualism, which has bothered them throughout their church history.”
Not only will these two new translations enable Korean and Chinese speakers to access ReFrame, but they (along with the French and Spanish translations) may also provide a valuable resource for multilingual churches seeking a common language within which to discuss and explore their faith.
ReFrame was released in Fall 2014, and since its release has been used in over 40 countries, in English, French, and Spanish. In total, over 11,000 people have gone through the course. Over the past year, the Lausanne Movement used ReFrame as a training tool with 1,000 young leaders from 150 countries around the world.
The ReFrame course is a 10-part video series with guidebooks, which seeks to connect faith and life through a fresh look at the biblical narrative. It blends theological teaching from Regent College's faculty with real-life stories in order to educate, encourage, and empower everyday members of the church. ReFrame expands participants’ view of the good news of the Gospel, enabling them to find their place and vocation within God’s renewing work in the world.
Through a generous donor and in collaboration with a Brazilian Church, the ReFrame team is also currently in the process of translating subtitles into Brazilian Portuguese.
View the ReFrame Korea website here. View the ReFrame Chinese (Traditional) website here.