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Caring for Place: Before and After

March 18, 2025
Over 450 donors participated in helping us reach our target.

In the fall of 2022, we launched the Caring for Place project—inviting members of the Regent community to invest in key upgrades and upkeep to Regent’s building. The goal was to raise $250,000 from alumni and friends, which would then be matched by one very generous donor for a total of $500,000 toward care for the College building. 

We’re delighted to share that over 450 donors participated in helping us reach our target, enabling us to meet our goal of caring for the wonderful space from which Regent’s mission and ministry flows. 

Thanks to our donor community, we were able to refresh our building with new paint, carpet, furniture, and fixtures to better serve our students and the wider public. 

Here are some before and after photos:

Atrium1 Before
Atrium1 After

Atrium Before
Atrium After

Atrium: new paint; new carpet; and elevator shaft repainted.

Chapel1 Before
Chapel1 After

Chapel Before
Chapel After

Chapel: new wall constructed to replace the old glass wall; new carpet; new theatre seating; new sound-proofing panel fabric; and a chair rail.

Room100 Before
Room100 After

Room230 Before
Room230 After

Classrooms (Pictured here are Rooms 100 and 230): new paint, new chairs, and new desks.

Washroom Before
Washroom After

Unisex Washroom Before
Unisex Washroom After

Main floor washrooms: new tiles; new countertops; auto-flushing toilets; new paper towel dispensers; and automatic soap dispensers.

Additionally, the Regent College Bookstore received a fresh coat of paint and new carpeting, and all three levels received a fresh coat of paint in public spaces.
We’re tremendously grateful for those who gave generously to make this much-needed work possible. Because of our donors, Regent’s space is now more conducive to learning and sharing life together. Thank you to everyone who helped make Regent a more beautiful and welcoming place!

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