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Musical Lunch Hours at Regent College

June 24, 2013

In the mood to swing to some jazz? Or be transported to the Caribbean with some funky beats? How about sampling sounds from different cultures such as the Chinese pipa and flamenco guitar? Or maybe being serenaded by an acoustic guitar is more your style. Whatever you’re in the mood for, Regent’s got it this summer.

Kicking off Canada Day, Vancouver-based guitarist, vocalist and steel drum player Rossi plays Regent College’s atrium on Monday, July 1. After this, the concerts happen every Thursday from noon to 1:00 p.m until August 1.

Catch folk/pop/rock musician Ryan McAllister, singer-songwriter Sheree Plett, the Latin grooves of The Grand Trine, the international-inspired sounds of Silk Road Music, and energetic jazz arrangements from the Mennonite Jazz Committee.

The summer lunchtime concerts are free, so bring your lunch and head to Regent College’s atrium for some great live music! 

For more information, contact:

Jude Hector
Summer Conference Coordinator
[email protected]

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