Redux: Freedom in the Busy - Join Us for the Live Web Event on Nov 6

On the heels of our first live webcast that happened in May, The Regent World is excited to announce our next Redux event, “Freedom in the Busy: Celebrating Sabbath in a World that Never Stops,” which coincides with the Fall issue of The Regent World on spiritual disciplines.
In today's technology-saturated world, the rhythm of our lives is go-go-go. Electric lights and screens keep us awake well after the sun goes down. The chirping devices in our pockets ask for our attention 24/7. Our jobs are demanding, whether we’re climbing corporate ladders, taking care of toddlers, or serving coffee to the noon rush-hour crowd. The influx of information and pressures of modern life undercut the rest we need in our souls. When will the break come? How can we find freedom and clarity? And where is God in the busy? Or, maybe the harder question—where are we?
Join us online with Bruce Hindmarsh, Ann Voskamp, Mark Buchanan, and Paige Gutacker on November 6 from 12-1 PM (PST) to discuss how Sabbath is not just a rest from your workweek but a reorientation of your life.
Thursday, November 6, 2014 at 12:00 pm PST
Online: Watch live online at
On the Big Screen: Regent College will open the Chapel for you to watch the event with your friends and fellow listeners
Location: Regent College Chapel, 5800 University Blvd, UBC Campus, Vancouver
Parking: Regent College has very limited parking for Saturdays and evenings only. Parking is available a short walk from Regent at the University of British Columbia (costs from $4.25-12 per day). For updated information and further details on parking at UBC and UBC shuttle schedule visit the UBC Parking website.
Bruce Hindmarsh (Professor of Spirituality, Regent College)
Ann Voskamp (Author of One Thousand Gifts)
Mark Buchanan (Author of The Rest of God; Professor of Pastoral Theology, Ambrose Seminary)
Moderated by Paige Gutacker (Graduate Student, Regent College)
For more details and to join the conversation, visit