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Discipline in an Age of Distraction: The Fall Regent World is Out

October 27, 2014
How do we seek God's voice amid the pulse of our loud, cluttered, and technology-driven lives?

Regent College’s Marketing and Communications Department has launched its Fall issue of The Regent World called “Discipline in an Age of Distraction." With so many devices and tasks clamouring for our attention and schedules, how do we be still and hear God’s voice? What does it look like to practice ancient disciplines like Sabbath in our contemporary world? How can we rest in restorative rather than escapist ways?

Explore these questions and more with Bruce Hindmarsh, Susan Phillips, Mark Buchanan, and others. To engage with the topic from a marketplace angle, we invited Neil Ahlsten, former employee at Google and cofounder of the tech startup Carpenters Code, to share his experience building an app to help people pray.

As with the previous issue, we are hosting another live webcast on Nov 6 from 12:00-1:00 pm PST that will focus on the topic of Sabbath more specifically—what it means and why it matters. Panelists include Bruce Hindmarsh, Ann Voskamp, and Mark Buchanan. Read more details and join the conversation here.

You won’t want to miss a video of Paige Gutacker, moderator of our Redux event, along with her husband Paul, sharing how practicing Sabbath opened their lives up to new and restorative rhythms.

Additionally, alumnus Michael Yankoski reflects on his “Sacred Year” of contemplating apples, living in cave, and befriending a dying woman, which he turned into a book now on sale at Regent. Amy Nickerson writes about the relationship between reading and loving, and Emma Gray disconnects from her usual world on a boat voyage through the Gulf Islands, learning to integrate what she learned there into her regular life as a student in Vancouver.

Check out all this and more in the online issue.

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