Calling All Writers: Win a Dinner Date with J.I. Packer

Write Vancouver has announced two new scholarships at its upcoming conference from May 23-24 at the University of British Columbia. This conference, organized by The Word Guild, brings together emerging and professional writers and provides opportunities to network, hone your craft, and talk about your work. Registration opens February 21.
The all-inclusive J.I. Packer Scholarship honours Regent professor Dr. J.I. Packer, one of international evangelicalism's most prominent theologians and author of Knowing God. Not only will the recipient of this award have access to all events, but they will also get the privilege of sitting at the same table as Dr. Packer for the Friday night dinner.
Additionally, Regent alumna Kathy Tyers has donated a scholarship that gives access to all events, including the popular Friday Night Literary Soirée. Kathy graduated with a Diploma in Christian Studies in 2008 and a Master of Christian Studies in 2009. She is a New York Times bestselling author who writes science fiction and contemporary fantasy, and is best known for her Firebird trilogy. Kathy will be offering feedback to emerging writers in the Blue Pencil events as well as leading a workshop on creating living, breathing characters.
To find out how to win these two scholarships and to learn more about the conference, visit the Write Vancouver website.