Richard Thompson on Regent's 2018 Christmas Appeal

Director of Advancement Richard Thompson explains Regent's reliance on God to provide for our community's needs—and the essential role of donors as participants in God's provision.
To make a year-end gift in support of Regent's mission, donate online, or explore other donation options on our giving page.
Regent President Jeff Greenman had heart surgery this fall. (He’s recovering nicely.) About a week before he went in for the procedure, he wrote a brief reflection on the theme of waiting—a subject he’s become extremely familiar with. His words have particular resonance in this season of Advent.
Jeff talks about his personal experience of waiting for surgery and our collective experience of waiting for God and God’s provision. I’ll add this: Regent, too, is waiting for God’s provision. One major source of that provision is the generosity of donors. That’s why I’m inviting you to donate this Christmas.
“Waiting is hard,” Jeff writes. He’s certainly right about that! Waiting is hard because it means giving up control. It means living with uncertainty.
We do a lot of waiting at Regent. We wait for funds to arrive so our work can go forward. We wait for God to provide for our community’s needs. We wait for God to provide through our donors.
Regent is a non-profit institution. That means we’re not trying to make money from our students. Our students pay a lot for tuition (more than they, or we, would like!), but they don’t pay what their education costs. Donors provide about 30% of Regent’s revenue every year. That 30% keeps this community going.
The truth is, Regent can’t exist without donors. We wait for God to provide through gifts from our alumni and friends not because we want to spend lavishly, but because we want to be here for students next year and in years to come.
We wait in hope, because the Regent community belongs to God and we trust God to provide. We offer this invitation in that same hope. Would you participate in God’s provision for Regent by making a gift this year-end?
Click here to support Regent's 2018 Christmas Appeal