Regent College Publishes Manifesto in Moral Philosophy by UBC Professor Dennis Danielson

Regent College Publishing has released The Tao of Right and Wrong: Rediscovering Humanity’s Moral Foundations, a major statement on moral philosophy by Emeritus UBC Professor Dennis Danielson.
Written in the tradition of The Abolition of Man, C. S. Lewis’s classic work on moral philosophy celebrating its seventy-fifth anniversary this year, The Tao of Right and Wrong addresses questions such as what is just? What is right? What is wrong? What purposes, and what virtues, are worth pursuing? And most importantly, how can we weigh answers to these questions without lapsing into, “That’s only your opinion”?
The Tao of Right and Wrong offers a vigorous primer on moral realism, asserting that humans can and should exercise ethical judgments—and that these judgments are not reducible to subjective opinion, animal instinct, or cultural “construction.” This book is a twenty-first century call for the virtuous cultivation of “humans with hearts,” for a rejection of moral nihilism, and for a life-affirming embrace of moral realism founded in the Tao—the transcultural fund of ultimate postulates that form the very ground of moral judgment, codes of ethics, and standards of right and wrong.
According to Rex Murphy, commentator for The National Post and formerly for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, The Tao of Right and Wrong is a remarkably compressed and equally lucid exposition of the truths that really count. . . . The debate in which the book engages is, in the full sense of the word, a fundamental one.”
“We are very excited about this project,” says Bill Reimer, manager of the Regent College Bookstore and director of Regent College Publishing. “Lewis stated that Abolition of Man was one of his two most important books, so it is an honour to continue that tradition through this book.”
Dennis Danielson is Professor Emeritus of English at the University of British Columbia and an intellectual historian who has written about literature, religion, and the history of science. He is a past recipient of his university’s Killam Prize for research in the humanities, and of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’s Konrad Adenauer Research Award.
For additional information and ordering options, please contact:
Bill ReimerRegent College Publishing
5800 University Blvd.
Vancouver, BC V6T 2E4
[email protected]