Celebrating Five Years: Making Peace with Creation Re-release

In celebration of the five-year anniversary of Making Peace with Creation, Regent College is pleased to announce that this film is now available for free worldwide. Watch and share here.
Making Peace with Creation first premiered on December 7, 2016, exactly five years ago this week. The documentary, directed by Professor Iwan Russell-Jones, explores the intricate relationship between humanity, the cosmos, and the incarnation of Christ. Inspired by the work of Professor Emeritus Loren Wilkinson, Making Peace with Creation unpacks the significance of a Creator God becoming part of his creation, asking what this means for us as his creatures—for our relationship to creation, our sense of place, our art, and more.
Making Peace with Creation is even more timely now than it was in 2016. As the wounds inflicted on creation become increasingly plain, Making Peace with Creation offers a theologically robust response. The film is rich in challenge and rooted in hope, inviting people who are increasingly alienated from their own createdness to consider the foundation of the world—Christ, in whom all things were made and hold together (Col 1:16–17)—and to recover their creatureliness in turn.
There is no better time to reflect on the implications of the incarnation than Advent. To mark this occasion, we sat down with Loren and Iwan to discuss the film’s lasting relevance. Watch a condensed version of this Zoom interview below, or click here to watch the full-length conversation. (Cut scenes include: a brief history of Loren’s upcoming book, Iwan’s experience living away from his Welsh roots, their favourite scenes from the documentary, and more.)
“The basic response to being conscious in the cosmos is wonder,” says Loren, who suggests that wonder unfolds in three ways: worship, scientific inquiry, and art-making. “And that is what this film is fundamentally about.” This three-fold wonder has profoundly influenced Loren Wilkinson and his wife Mary-Ruth, giving shape to their life on Galiano Island, BC.
After meeting the Wilkinsons and marvelling at their deeply integrative way of thinking and being—a way that joins theology with ecology, philosophy, the arts, food, and farming—Iwan was moved to capture their life on film. Four stanzas from one of Loren’s own poems form the backbone of Making Peace with Creation, a film whose ultimate aim is to consider creation and our place in it as followers of Christ.
- Watch it free from anywhere in the world here.
- Engage its content slowly and more deeply with your church, family, or a small group. Use our study guide to follow along.
- Share the film with others!