Scholars Reflect on Scripture & Current Events in New Series

We recently chatted with Christina Lui, Regent’s Alumni and Church Involvement Officer, about Reading the Bible Right Now, a new series of conversations hosted by Regent this winter as part of our year-long Ideas That Matter series.
What is Reading the Bible Right Now all about, and how does it fit within the Ideas That Matter series?
Reading the Bible Right Now is about hearing from gifted, deeply faithful biblical scholars and theologians about how they personally find encouragement, enlightenment, and even challenge and rebuke in the Scriptures, and how the ongoing conversation that God is having with them through their Bible reading shapes the way they engage with what is happening in the world right now. I see Reading the Bible Right Now as connected to our year-long Ideas That Matter series because, as believers, we want our foundational ideas to be formed primarily by Scripture and not the society in which we live. How we engage Scripture, and how God engages us through Scripture, impacts all that we think, believe, and do.
There is so much happening in the world today, and so many topics that could be addressed. Why did you choose to explore something as seemingly "basic" as Bible reading?
As Christians, we believe that God speaks to us, and one of those ways is through the Bible. We also believe that every square inch of our lives matters to God, so how God may be speaking to us right now, at this moment in time, really impacts how we choose to live. If we as Christians are truly to be "people of the Book," then how we engage with an anxious and fraught world must find guidance in that Book.
Just as the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, so we as Jesus's followers should embody God’s word as we dwell among our families, neighbours, and fellow citizens. So what the Bible says ultimately shapes how we ought to live.
What do you hope people will gain from participating in these conversations?
I hope that people will go away from these conversations with greater clarity and courage to live out their faith in response to God’s call. Scripture is not a dead piece of ancient literature that does not speak to our times; rather, it is a testament to the ongoing relationship that God is calling us to experience in the here and now. I hope people find renewed appreciation for and encouragement to live with greater fidelity to the call found in Scripture, and indeed with a greater sense of faith, hope, and trust in the Lord through these conversations.
You can view a recording of our first Reading the Bible Right Now conversation with Dr. Carmen Imes here.