David Robinson & Don Lewis Recognized in Word Guild Awards

The Word Guild is a growing Canadian community united by Christian faith and a common passion for the written word. Each fall, the Guild holds an annual award ceremony celebrating the best of Canadian Christian writing. We’re pleased to announce that this year’s winners include two members of the Regent community.
Dr. Donald M. Lewis was awarded the prize for Best Christian Non-Fiction Book (Academic) for his final publication, A Short History of Christian Zionism: From the Reformation to the Twenty-First Century (InterVarsity Press). This seminal work was released shortly before Don’s sudden passing last October. Don devoted years of thoughtful and prayerful study to this important subject and we are glad to see his work receive the recognition it deserves. For a copy of the book, please contact the Regent College Bookstore.
Congratulations also to Dr. David Robinson, whose poem "Array Your Emptiness” won the Word Award for Poetry. David holds the position R. Paul Stevens Assistant Professor of Marketplace Theology and Leadership and serves as Director of Regent’s Master of Arts in Leadership, Theology, and Society. David wrote the piece as a tribute to those who exercise faith in the pursuit of their vocations, especially in the face of significant personal and professional challenges.
“Array Your Emptiness” is available in the Summer 2021 issue of CRUX, Regent’s quarterly journal of Christian thought and opinion. Featuring articles, poetry, and book reviews from Regent faculty and friends, CRUX seeks to expound the basic tenets of the Christian faith and to demonstrate how Christian truth is relevant to the whole of life. To order the Summer 2021 issue or acquire a subscription, visit rgnt.net/crux.