Special Giving Opportunity: Caring for Place

Regent’s building is showing its age. After serving us well for nearly 35 years, it requires some upgrades and upkeep to continue fulfilling its purpose. Our building needs some loving care—and we need donor support to make it possible. That’s why we launched the Caring for Place project this summer.
Today, we’re delighted to announce that from now until October 7, every gift to Regent’s Caring for Place project will be doubled. We are deeply grateful to the generous donor who is making this possible by matching donations dollar-for-dollar, up to a total of $250,000.
Learn more about the project and this special giving opportunity in the video below.
Regent College President Jeff Greenman addressed the importance of this investment in Regent’s building.
“We care about embodiment at Regent College. We’ve always embraced the importance of in-person learning and community, and we will continue to do so. But embodied people need embodied spaces. We’ve all been in situations where our surroundings either helped or hindered our work and wellbeing. Regent students need an environment that’s conducive to learning and sharing life together.
“We’re fortunate that our building is beautifully designed to serve the needs of our community. But, like any other space, our building needs time, attention, and resources to fulfill its purpose. As we near the end of a capital campaign for the future flourishing of Regent and its mission, we can’t neglect the space where so much of this flourishing will take place.
“So, I’m asking every member of the Regent community to consider making a gift to the Caring for Place project by October 7. Together, we can make sure future generations have the chance to share in the richness of embodied community in this wonderful space.”
To make a gift to the Caring for Place project, visit rgnt.net/place or click below. Remember: donate by October 7 and your gift will be matched!