Generous Donors Give $500,000 to Caring for Place

This fall, the Caring for Place project invited members of Regent’s global community to invest in key upgrades and upkeep to Regent’s building. The goal was to raise $250,000 from alumni and friends, which would then be matched by one very generous donor.
Today, we’re delighted to announce that the Regent community came together to meet this ambitious goal! The result is $500,000 to care for our building.
Director of Advancement Richard Thompson expressed his excitement and gratitude for this result.
“I’m always telling people how amazing our donor community is. Well, they just proved it once again! We received over 450 individual donations to the Caring for Place project, which is just incredible. These gifts ranged in size from $10 to $20,000, and every one of them was crucial in getting us to our goal.
“This was a real team effort, with contributions from alumni, friends, staff, faculty, and even current students. Together, the gifts from these hundreds of community members helped us reach our target of $250,000—the maximum matching gift pledged by a very generous donor. I couldn’t be more excited that we’ve been able to meet that goal and take full advantage of this special opportunity. And I know our matching gift donor is excited as well!”
President Jeff Greenman shared Richard’s enthusiasm.
“The Regent community stepped up in a big way, and we’re incredibly grateful. This project is really about caring for this wonderful space that we’re blessed to have as the home base for Regent’s community and all our work. This is a place of life, and our ministry flows out from here.
“Our building is well used and well loved, and it does need some upgrades and upkeep. Everyone who contributed to this project is making it possible for us to care for this wonderful place. In doing so, they’re helping Regent’s mission and ministry to flourish. As is so frequently the case, God is using the generosity of our community to provide for the work he’s doing in this place. It’s a beautiful thing to see how God brings his people together to move his mission forward.”