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Crisis Management Policy

Critical Incident and Crisis Management Policy

Created February 2025

This policy outlines the management of critical incident and crisis situations, and the names of the Regent College staff members responsible for managing institutional crises and critical incidents. This policy applies to students, staff, and visitors of the College while on the Regent campus or at a sponsored event.

The types of incidents this policy addresses includes, but is not limited to,

  • Fire emergencies
  • Earthquakes
  • Severe weather
  • Medical emergencies
  • Violent or threatening situations
  • Cybersecurity incidents

Reporting a Critical Incident

To report an emergency, call 911 immediately.

To report a critical incident that does not involve immediate harm or damage to persons or property, call Regent Reception at 604-224-3245 or e-mail at [email protected]. Other staff and faculty may also receive critical incident reports.

Emergency Contacts

Fire, Police, and Ambulance Services 911
UBC Hospital      604-822-7121   
UBC Counseling Services      604-822-3811   
Regent College 604-224-3245 

Critical Response Team (CRT)

Crisis Director- Building Operations Manager

Deputy Crisis Director – Director of Finance

Communications- Director of Communications

Sr. Administrator – President

Student Liaison-- Associate Dean of Students

Team Directors

Crisis Response Team Roles and Responsibilities

Crisis Director- In most circumstances, the Building Operations Manager. The Director is responsible for receiving notification of the crisis, determining a course of action, alerting the appropriate members of the CRT, and coordinating the institutions approach to managing the crisis.

Deputy Crisis Director – Director of Finance. Assists the Crisis Director in coordinating the institutions response and specifically deals with matters of liability and losses to personnel and property. Serves as the Deputy Crisis Director when the Building Operations Manager is away.

Communications Director- Oversees internal and external communications regarding the crisis

Team Directors- Depending on the crisis, Directors in each department may be called on to address crises that arise on campus or a sponsored event.

Sr. Administrator – President or Academic Dean, responsible for the oversight and overall management of the crisis and CRT.

Student Liaison- Associate Dean of Students, responsible for assistance to student(s) in the event of a crisis.

Department Directors—assist as needed depending on the crisis.

Crisis Management Process

1. Crisis Director is notified of a crisis or emergency situation.

2. Crisis Director reviews the situation and determines the severity and next steps to address the crisis.

3. CRT members are called to help manage the crisis in their various roles.

4. The Sr. Administrator will ensure the successful management of the crisis.

5. Sr. Administrator ensures a smooth transition back to normal College operations.

6. Crisis Director will lead the crisis review process after the crisis has been resolved.

Policy Review

This policy will be reviewed annually by the Crisis Director.

Policy training will take place in September and January during New Student Orientation.

Supporting documents: Regent College Emergency Response Plan, Fire Safety Plan, Severe Weather Policy

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