Updated November 2, 2020
Circumstances permitting, Regent College intends to offer a limited range of on-campus options for select courses in the Winter 2021 term. All courses will continue to be available online.
Classroom capacity has been reduced to accommodate social distancing, so a limited number of on-campus seats are available. Students wishing to attend class in person should register for winter courses no later than November 29, 2020, and indicate their preference for on-campus courses during the registration process. After November 29, requests for on-campus learning will not be prioritized.
Note for International Students
The Canadian government is requiring all Canadian post-secondary institutions to submit a COVID Readiness Plan (CRP). Until the government has approved and processed Regent's CRP, new students relying on a study permit will not be able to enter Canada.
This also affects international students currently living in Canada. Students who leave Canada may not be able to re-enter the country until Regent is on the list of Designated Learning Institutions with an approved CRP.
We realize that this situation raises challenges for both current and prospective students. We are working hard to complete and submit the CRP as soon as possible. Students will be notified when Regent's CRP has been approved.
Updated September 8, 2020
The gradual reopening of the Regent College building has begun.
Note: The Regent College Bookstore is a retail space with its own entrance at the southwest corner of the building. Information regarding the Bookstore’s opening hours and health & safety protocol is available at bookstore.regent-college.edu. The information below applies to all other uses of the Regent College building.
This first stage of the reopening process prioritizes student access to a number of important services. Effective immediately, Regent College students can book an appointment to do any of the following on campus:
- Study in the Allison Library (book via the Allison Library site)
- Meet with members of faculty (book directly with the faculty member)
- Meet with members of the Dean of Students Office (email deanofstudentsoffice@regent-college.edu)
- Meet with their community pods in the Atrium (email deanofstudentsoffice@regent-college.edu)
- Pay tuition or address registration issues (email reception@regent-college.edu)
Students and visitors must book all visits to the building at least 24 hours in advance. Scanning and book retrieval services continue to be available to students, staff, and faculty.
All visitors should review Regent's COVID-19 health and safety protocol, available here.
Non-essential staff continue to work from home. All classes will remain online for the duration of the Fall 2020 Term. A decision regarding the Winter 2021 Term will be communicated by late September.
Everyone entering the building must complete a COVID-19 screening process before coming to campus and again before entering the building. Once in the building, all persons must comply with the College’s health and safety guidelines. Failure to comply could result in loss of access to the building or disciplinary action.
Questions may be directed to president@regent-college.edu.
Updated August 11, 2020
The Regent College building remains closed to visitors until September 2, 2020. As of September 2, visits to the building will be permitted by appointment only.
The Regent College Bookstore is open for curbside pickup and mail orders from 10am–4pm, Monday to Friday. In addition, the Allison Library is offering a scanning and book retrieval service for students, staff, and faculty.
Updated June 30, 2020
In order to ensure the health and safety of students, staff, and faculty, and to secure an uninterrupted learning experience for students, all of Regent College's Fall 2020 courses will be offered exclusively online. See the full announcement here.
A complete list of Fall 2020 courses can be viewed on the Timetables page. The Dean of Students Office is actively exploring opportunities for community-building in the Fall 2020 term, examining the range of options available in light of provincial health regulations.
The John Richard Allison Library is working to make print resources accessible to the Regent community. As of July 2, 2020, current students, faculty, and staff can request library items for retrieval. Requested items will be available for pickup at the southeast entrance of the College on Thursdays between 1:30 and 3:30 pm (details available here). A limited scanning service is also available to students, staff, and faculty.
Beginning July 6, library patrons will be able to return items currently in their possession via the library return bin near Regent’s southeast entrance (details available here). All currently checked-out library items are now due July 31, 2020.
Updated May 5, 2020
As Summer Programs go forward, all courses from May 11 to Aug 7 (Spring Session and Summer Session) are available online only. Courses that are live only require real time participation, whereas courses that include a recording can be taken from any time zone. See Summer Programs timetable for details on course offerings.
While details of Fall 2020/Winter 2021 courses remain to be defined, Regent College is committed to making courses in the 2020/2021 academic year available online so students can study from anywhere in the world.
To accommodate these changes, distance education restrictions have been lifted until August 2021. See here for more details.
Updated March 24, 2020
Regent College's Summer Programs will go forward this summer. In light of local and international efforts to control the spread of COVID-19, all courses will include a live online participation option.
Courses taking place from May 11 to June 5 (Spring Session) will be available online only.
Courses following June 22 (Summer Session) will be available online. If circumstances permit, these courses may also include an opportunity to learn on campus at Regent. Registered students will be updated as more information becomes available.
For more information about Regent College's Summer Programs, visit rgnt.net/summer.
Updated March 17, 2020
At 5 pm on Wednesday, March 18, the Regent College building will close until further notice. College operations will not cease, but will be managed remotely. Students will access courses via alternative delivery modes. Staff will work from home until the building reopens and will continue to be available via email.
The full announcement is available here. Questions may be directed to the President's Office at president@regent-college.edu or 604.221.3322.
Updated March 16, 2020
Regent is implementing a remote work-from-home policy effective Tuesday, March 17, 2020. All staff whose presence is not required on campus will work from home. Reception will remain open from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm and staff will remain available via email.
Building hours will be reduced beginning Wednesday, March 18, 2020:
Regent College will be open only on weekdays from 8 am to 5 pm.
- The John Richard Allison Library will be open on weekdays from 9 am to 5 pm.
The building will not be open on Saturday or Sunday.
All on-campus events between now and the end of term are cancelled. We have yet to reach a decision regarding Convocation or the Reunion. We are working on alternative delivery modes for our Summer Programs courses.
Questions may be directed to the President's Office at president@regent-college.edu or 604.221.3322.
Updated March 13, 2020
Regent is transitioning to online classes effective March 16, 2020 for the remainder of the term. Students should not come to campus for class. Course instructors will contact students directly to provide information on how to participate in their classes. Delivery methods will vary from course to course to accommodate different course structures and content.
For the time being, the College will remain open for basic services. Staff and faculty will continue to work on campus. The library will remain open only for the purpose of retrieving and returning books. Full details regarding library hours, resources, and services will be provided early next week.
All on-campus events between now and the end of term are cancelled. The COVID-19 Response Team has yet to reach a decision regarding Convocation.
Read the full announcement here.
Questions may be directed to the President's Office at president@regent-college.edu or 604.221.3322.
Updated March 12, 2020
The College has established a COVID-19 Response Team, led by the President’s Office. Questions should be directed to president@regent-college.edu.
The College continues to abide by the Recommendations for Post-Secondary Students, Faculty, and Staff provided by the Province of BC, available here.
In light of the travel advisory issued by the Province of BC on March 12, 2020, all those who return from travel outside Canada are required to report to the President's Office via phone or email and self-isolate for 14 days before returning to Regent.
Individuals who have not left Canada but believe they may have been exposed to COVID-19 should follow the same procedure. The President's Office will work with any students who are required to self-isolate in order to ensure that they are able to complete the necessary coursework.
Classes are currently scheduled to continue as planned. Non-academic activities prior to Reading Week are cancelled. This includes chapel, soup, and community groups scheduled for Tuesday, March 17.
Questions may be directed to the President's Office at president@regent-college.edu or 604.221.3322.
Updated March 11, 2020
The College has established a COVID-19 Response Team, led by the President’s Office. Questions should be directed to president@regent-college.edu.
The College continues to abide by the Recommendations for Post-Secondary Students, Faculty, and Staff provided by the Province of BC, available here.
In order to protect the Regent community, the College is putting into place a reporting requirement. This requirement applies to students, staff, and faculty. In brief, all students, staff, and faculty must report to the President's Office if they:
- return from a high-risk jurisdiction
- live with someone who has returned from a high-risk jurisdiction, or
- believe that they may have been exposed to COVID-19.
In addition, students, staff, and faculty should self-isolate if there is a risk that they may spread the virus. More information on self-isolation is available from BC's Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC).
The BCCDC has provided the following guidelines:
Students, faculty, or staff returning from high-risk areas should stay home or self-isolate in their dorm/room alone for 14 days after they leave the high-risk area. They should monitor themselves daily for symptoms (fever, cough, muscle aches, difficulty breathing).
Students, faculty, or staff who have been in close contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 by laboratory testing should stay home or self-isolate in their dorm/room alone for 14 days after their last encounter. Individuals should monitor themselves daily for symptoms (fever, cough, muscle aches, difficulty breathing).
- Students, faculty, or staff who have been in other areas affected by COVID-19 (see Information for Travellers on the BCCDC's website) should monitor themselves daily for symptoms (fever, cough, muscle aches, difficulty breathing) for 14 days after they left. They do not need to self-isolate.
Those who develop symptoms during the 14-day monitoring period should immediately self-isolate (stay in a room that is not shared with anyone else) and call their health-care provider or the provincial health line 8-1-1 to discuss any need for testing and follow up.
The College is putting measures in place to ensure that students unable to attend class have the supports they need to finish the term well. Students requiring accommodation should contact the President's Office at president@regent-college.edu.
For more information on COVID-19, see the following sites:
- Public Health Agency of Canada — https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection.html
- BC Centre for Disease Control — http://www.bccdc.ca/about/news-stories/stories/2020/information-on-novel-coronavirus
- World Health Organization — https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019
- Healthlink BC — https://www.healthlinkbc.ca/health-feature/coronavirus-covid-19