Regent Appoints Dr. Mark Noll as Research Professor

Regent College is pleased to announce the three-year appointment of Dr. Mark Noll as Research Professor of History.
Dr. Noll has had a long and highly valued relationship with Regent College. He taught his first Summer School class in 1990. Since then, he has been a recurring teacher, public lecturer, and conference participant at the College. Throughout this time, Dr. Noll has been a friend to many at the College and a gracious advocate for Regent’s vision and ministry.
As a Research Professor at Regent College, Dr. Noll is recognized as a senior scholar with an ongoing link to the school’s educational mission. He will contribute to Regent’s scholarly community through research, writing, public speaking, and teaching. In July 2017, he will be teaching at Summer School alongside Mary Venables. Their course, The Reformation: Then and Now, From Above and From Below, marks the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation.
Regent's President, Dr. Jeffrey Greenman, welcomes the appointment, stating, “Mark Noll is one of the leading evangelical scholars of our generation. The Regent community has been stretched and enriched by engagement with a first-class scholar with a deep commitment to the Gospel and the church’s mission. As a mentor and friend, he has been a great encourager to many of our faculty. I am delighted to have him participate actively in our community of Christian teaching and learning.”
Dr. Noll is a leading church historian. He recently retired as the Francis A. McAnaney Professor of History at the University of Notre Dame, having previously served as Professor of History and Theological Studies at Wheaton College. He has taught courses on American religious history, world Christianity, Reformation theology, Puritanism, historiography, nineteenth-century British evangelicalism, and American intellectual history.
Dr. Noll has written and edited numerous books, most recently including In the Beginning Was the Word: The Bible in American Public Life (OUP, 2015), From Every Tribe and Nation: A Historian’s Discovery of the Global Christian Story (Baker Academic, 2014), Jesus Christ and the Life of the Mind (Eerdmans, 2011), and Clouds of Witnesses: Christian Voices from Africa and Asia (co-written with Carolyn Nystrom, IVP, 2011). He has also served on the editorial boards for Books & Culture and Christian History, and as co-editor of “Library of Religious Biography” for Wm. B. Eerdmans. In 2006 he received the National Endowment for the Humanities medal at the White House. Dr. Noll currently lives in South Bend, Indiana, with his wife, Maggie.