Summer Language Scholarships for Ministers Available Once Again

Regent College is pleased to announce that the Mary of Bethany Language Fund for Ministers will once again provide scholarships allowing anyone in full-time vocational ministry to initiate or refresh their study of the biblical languages. The Mary of Bethany Language Fund for Ministers was created because a generous donor recognized the importance of biblical language study for thorough exegesis and outstanding preaching.
In an age with literally hundreds of Bible translations available (at least in English), it’s easy to ignore the power of studying Scripture in its original Hebrew and Greek. But as one Regent graduate put it, “reading a translation of the Bible is like listening to a hockey game on the radio—you find out who wins, but you miss most of the action. Knowing the languages is like having rink-side seats at centre ice.”
Thanks to the Mary of Bethany Language Fund, more pastors, priests, missionaries, and parachurch workers will soon enjoy that same sense of “rink-side” access to Scripture.
Eligible candidates interested in taking Greek I, Greek II, Hebrew I, or Hebrew II at Regent this summer may apply for the scholarship immediately. Ministers considering any of Regent’s fall or winter language classes (excluding LANG 500: Perspectives on Biblical Languages) can also apply if funds remain available. Applicants will need to explain how studying biblical Hebrew or Greek will enhance their ministry. This scholarship is not for full-time or incoming Regent College students.
The application deadline for the 2016 Summer classes has been extended to April 15. For application details, please visit the Scholarship & Bursaries page.